Sweet Princess

NorbertSN schrieb am 16.07.2016 um 16:03 Uhr

It is said that music transports stories.
Here is a story. Not a funny one, but you will get my point.

If nothing was happening in this world, I wouldn't have to create a track like this one.
I hope some of you appreciate.
Peace and mental strength to you. Have fun, dance, enjoy yourself.

...and kick those MoFos!


Es wird gesagt, dass Musik Geschichten transportiert.

Hier ist eine Geschichte. Keine lustige, aber Ihr werdet meine Meinung nachvollziehen können.

Wenn nichts in dieser Welt passieren würde, müsste ich keinen Track wie diesen erstellen.

Ich hoffe, dass einige von Euch das nachvollziehen und gutheißen.

Friede und mentale Stärke für Euch. Habt Spaß, tanzt, genießt das Leben.

...und tretet den W...sern kräfig in den Hintern!


Ehemaliger User schrieb am 16.07.2016 um 18:04 Uhr

Hi Norbert:

You are so right about the craziness of what's going on in this world right now.  France, Turkey, Syria, and yes America; with Donald Trump and his insane BS agenda. 

The track certainly captures the frenzied nature of all of these global conflagrations and more.

Nicely performed, buddy.

Enjoy a great weekend!


Ehemaliger User schrieb am 17.07.2016 um 01:17 Uhr

uten morgen norbert^





peace broter

 jesus love



OldMansProject schrieb am 17.07.2016 um 05:26 Uhr

Hey Norbert!

Der Track spiegelt das "Durcheinander" der momentanen "Weltgeschichte" wieder. 5*****

Gruß aus Hamburg,

Hollyman 1957 

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 17.07.2016 um 12:00 Uhr

electronic sound easy.

synth exellent and rithmic very good


Ehemaliger User schrieb am 17.07.2016 um 15:15 Uhr

Hi NorbertSN 

Well done music and voice cool  good job music created 

I like it music all 5*****

Jinty schrieb am 18.07.2016 um 12:37 Uhr

Hello NorbertSN,

I agree the world is crap at the moment, we can only wish that things get better for everyone,... Your music reflects the craziness that is going on, so you've got it bang on, kudos to you!!!!!!

All the best,


jecke schrieb am 20.07.2016 um 21:45 Uhr

The end is kind of funny but I get where you want to come with this and you are right but if nothing was

happening in this world it would be boring however it is sad that most of the things that happend  that

you actually hear about is negative.

You are a creative soul, you  do great music even though it isn't my favourite type but as a maker you are great and

is good with some toght behind it. Good work, Norbert.

NorbertSN schrieb am 21.07.2016 um 13:25 Uhr

To those who made a comment:

Thank you so much for your comments so far!


I didn't even think that global but it is good to see that the topic and the musical interpretation leave a lot of room for figuring the sense behind it all.

Thank you so much for listening and for commenting to my tracks - you guys rock.



tgfmusica schrieb am 21.07.2016 um 23:14 Uhr

Simpatica e ben costruita, ma un poco aggressiva per una dolce Principessa comunque mi piace, bravo, saluti da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Roxall schrieb am 23.07.2016 um 12:05 Uhr

Not really my style. But that is no reason to not appreciate the creativity.

You have your own distinct sound Norbet. 

An eccentric, quirky dance hip hop soundscape, wholly original.

Well produced, the synths and keys and beats all fit really well and are well spaced in the soundscape.

Well done.