Liebe Musiker-Freunde,
ein kleiner Frühlingsgruß für Euch !
Zur Zeit erledige ich eine kommerzielle Arbeit. Wenn das Projekt fertig ist, bin ich wieder da.
Aus diesem Grund bleibt mir keine Zeit, Eure songs zu kommentieren, ich hoffe Ihr verzeiht.
Dieser Song gehört zu einer Reihe Kinderliedern, die ich geschrieben habe.
Falls Jemand von Euch Lust hast zu einem der Texte Musik zu gestalten, lasst es mich wissen,
ich werde mich freuen !
Habt einen wunderschönen, fröhlichen Frühling !
Bis bald ! Karin
Dear musican-friends, today a small spring greeting you.
Right now I have to do a commercial activities. If the project is finished, I'm back.
For this reason, I can not comment on your songs. I hope you forgive.
Have a great spring and see you soon.
From the heart, Karin
"pling pling"
The first time she flew a little way, up to the roses and back again.
The second time she has a lot more courage, her dancing on the
leaves of the trees was good.
In the land of elves and fairies, she was known to everyone
and everyone likes her name > pling pling.
You cannot see her . . . hear perhaps
because she is similar to a glittering sunbeam.
so tender her wings, shimmering so nice
in the woods you've never seen anything more beautiful.
But in the summer, when you bring water, hear the flowers
as it vibrates and sounds . . . pling pling . . .
And if you're all quiet, then it may happen
she is changing her form for you, you will see !
The magic only lasts for minutes,
in thousands of colors you can see her then.
But only loving people can feel it :
We don't have to touch this little thing, never . . .
pling pling . . . fly with the wind little thing . . . butterfly