Another first for me...
Martin told me there's an EDM competition going on. EDM Lead it's called.
Whilst knowing that I haven't got the slightest chance of even getting more than a few likes against all those EDM junkies out there, I wanted to create a track that suits EDM somewhat, giving it my special twist and using lyrics from Martin, at the end creating a unique track, different from all others that are somewhat going into the same boom, boom direction.
This song is what came out - and ate up nearly the whole weekend time I had.
Midi music can be so fulfilling, but it's certainly eating up shedloads of time.
I hope that in this forum a few of you may like it - it surely will go down in history as a weekend time killer ;).
Music is pure Midi, vocals heavily re-worked lyrics from Martin from "Mutual Hip Hop" and "Atmosfear".
Have a good one and hopefully enjoy this piece if you listen to it.
Thanks, NorbertSN