Be Free

PianoMan schrieb am 15.09.2019 um 00:41 Uhr
Tags: Pop

[Update: In this new version I used a nice drum-track from BiB 2019, which is faster then that from the first version - which was midi, now it are real drums. I adjust base und piano to that rhythm and add also a solo-guitare for a new bridge. So the song appears much faster then before, although tempo has not changed. Additionally I used a compressor for the recorded guitars, so they appear clearer. I hope you like the update also. I added also a video on YouTube, trying to tell the story ]

This song is meant to encurage people to be what they want and that they never give up.
It's my own song, procuded with Samplitude Pro X4 (Piano, Guitar and vocals are recorded, rest is midi).

It is freom the series "New Stuff".

Here is the text:


Say what you want,
dream what's your dream,
live what's your life,
find your paradise.
Open your eyes,
and look around,
hear all the sound
of our lifes.

Be free
Be free
Be free

Do what you want,
open your mind,
don't stay behind,
find your way.
Be what you are,
a dancer or a star,
don't go to far,
it's just right there.

Be free
Be free
Be free


Believe in yourself,
tear all the walls,
stand up if you fall,
don't give up.

Be free
Be free
Be free.


franco-galateo schrieb am 15.09.2019 um 09:55 Uhr

always excellent compositional work .. good quality track


Jochen-S schrieb am 15.09.2019 um 12:51 Uhr

Hi PianoMan,
great ... 👍👈👉👌 I like it ...
Greeting Jochen

KWH001 schrieb am 15.09.2019 um 14:58 Uhr

Cool :-)

Siggi-M schrieb am 15.09.2019 um 18:32 Uhr

schöön !!!

LG.Siggi !!

h-rtl schrieb am 15.09.2019 um 22:49 Uhr

Gefällt mir gut😎😎😎!!!

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 16.09.2019 um 00:59 Uhr

Hi, the music sounds very good, and I like it 😊👍

Jasonson1601 schrieb am 20.09.2019 um 17:29 Uhr

Mein Lebensmotto Musikalisch umgesetzt wirklich super!!👍👍👌👌