Film exportieren => VdL 2023 Prem. friert ein !


wabu schrieb am 10.01.2023 um 17:29 Uhr

Ich wiederhole mich mal:

wabu schrieb am 10.01.2023 um 14:37 Uhr


bei mir ja

egal ob storyboard / Timeline / Übersicht

wabu ...............der nie auslernt

Der Rechner  Installierter physischer Speicher (RAM) 32,0 GB / Prozessor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3600 MHz, 8 Kern(e), 8 logische(r) Prozessor(en),

Intel® UHD Graphics 630 aktiviert

NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 HDMI ; 2x DVI ; VGA, PCIe

Samsung (SSD) HD103SJ F3 1 TB Sata 7200 / 2x LG GH22NS SATA schwarz

Betriebsystem Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.18362 Build 22H2

geschnitten wird seit 2007 mit Magix immer aktuell VdL und ProX

gefilmt mit Panasonic SDT 750 und FZ 1000 sowie Pentax K30 (Mist) und einer Q500k und SJ 1000 und Hero7

fotografiert mit Pentax K10 und K30 (Super)/Sigma 10-20 und 18-200; Fisheye und 500mm Spiegeltele

Mein Kanal: youtube

korntunnel schrieb am 10.01.2023 um 19:34 Uhr


Ah ja, jetzt weiß ich, was Du meinst, nutze ich nie. Funktioniert bei mir aber auch einwandfrei. Bleibe bei meiner Meinung.

VPX5 - 15, VdL 16 bis VdL 2024 Premium-/Plus-Versionen, Audio & Music Lab

Im Einsatz: VPX 15 (205) und VdL Premium 2024 (192), Photostory 2024 (170) und VEGAS Pro 21.0

Betriebssystem Laptop: Windows 11 Prof. 64 bit, Vers.23H2, PC: Vers. 23H2

PC: 32 GB Arbeitsspeicher; Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 3696 MHz, 6 Kern(e), 12 logische(r) Prozessor(en); MSI-Motherboard Typ Z370 A Pro, Grafikkarte Intel UHD Graphics 630 und neu: NVidia RTX 3060.
Festplatte C = 512 GB SSD, Festplatte D = 4 TB HDD

Laptop: 64 GB Arbeitsspeicher; Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900H; CPU 2.60GHz, 14 Kern(e), 20 logische(r) Prozessor(en); Motherboard PE60RNE-S_RND-S_RNC-S Schenker, Grafikkarte 1 Intel Xe Graphics; Grafikkarte 2 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060
Festplatte C = 1 TB SSD, Festplatte D = 4 TB SSD

Camcorder Panasonic X909 und Sony FDR AX-53

Nikon D 500 Panasonic TZ-101, DJI Pocket, GoPro Hero 4, Samsung S8

Peter2003 schrieb am 10.01.2023 um 22:13 Uhr


meine Meinung: wenn Du Deinen Rechner mit SIMPLITEC optimiert hast, sparst Du am meisten Lebenszeit, wenn Du Windows komplett neu installierst. Das Problem, welches Du jetzt hast, wird nur die Spitze des Eisberges sein, die Du siehst.

Gruß Peter

Desktop: Win 11, VPX 16 Version  22.1.219, i9-9900k, 32 GB, Geforce GTX1660, angeschlossen: 3 Monitore HP M27 1920X1080, 1 Monitor 3840*2160, 1 TV 27 Zoll. Grafikkartentreiber wie von Magix empfohlen.

Laptop: WIN11; VPX 16 Version  22.1.219; Lenovo i5-1135G7; Intel Iris Xe; 8GB Arbeitsspeicher

Kameras: Panasonic GH5, DJI Pocket3, Canon HF-M46, Canon HF-M506, Canon EOS 80D.
Mikrofon: rode stereo videomic pro, verwende aber dennoch meist die in den Kameras eingebauten Mikros

Wolve schrieb am 11.01.2023 um 09:04 Uhr


Sorry, hätte gleich dazu sagen müssen, daß das ein Schalter für ein Dropdown-Menü ist. 😉

Wie ich inzwischen von @wabu weis, geht dieses Kontext-Menü auch via Reiter auf.


VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0

Wolve schrieb am 11.01.2023 um 19:59 Uhr

Latest News .

Nachdem durch Deaktivieren von <QMxNetwork Sync (MX Update Notifier)>  via Autoruns64.exe VdL23 wieder zu funktionieren schien ..... aber heute

-- nach Bearbeiten einzelner MP4-Dateien wollte ich den entsprechenden Film exportieren (z.B.: Strg+Alt+L) und erhielt nach Klick auf „Überschreiben“ folgende Meldung :

Ein Check mit Autoruns zeigt :  Notifier hat sich wieder aktiviert !!


WO kann ich die Update-Fkt. des Notifier abstellen ??

Oder  - sicher ist sicher:

Kann ich den Notifier ganz löschen ??


P.S.: Habe eine Spur v. SIMPLITEC gefunden: C: Progr.Data \ simplitec : ComputerID.dat

(Sept.2019; SIMPL. könnte unbemerkt mit einem VdL-Update 'reingerutscht' sein -.- definitiv NICHT von mir installed !!)


Zuletzt geändert von Wolve am 11.01.2023, 20:04, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0

wabu schrieb am 11.01.2023 um 20:28 Uhr

nach Bearbeiten einzelner MP4-Dateien wollte ich den entsprechenden Film exportieren (z.B.: Strg+Alt+L) und erhielt nach Klick auf „Überschreiben“ folgende Meldung :

Kenne ich - Ursache ist entweder ein nested Objekt in dem Film - öfter ist es aber eine der eher ungewöhnlichen Überblendung

wabu ...............der nie auslernt

Der Rechner  Installierter physischer Speicher (RAM) 32,0 GB / Prozessor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3600 MHz, 8 Kern(e), 8 logische(r) Prozessor(en),

Intel® UHD Graphics 630 aktiviert

NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 HDMI ; 2x DVI ; VGA, PCIe

Samsung (SSD) HD103SJ F3 1 TB Sata 7200 / 2x LG GH22NS SATA schwarz

Betriebsystem Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.18362 Build 22H2

geschnitten wird seit 2007 mit Magix immer aktuell VdL und ProX

gefilmt mit Panasonic SDT 750 und FZ 1000 sowie Pentax K30 (Mist) und einer Q500k und SJ 1000 und Hero7

fotografiert mit Pentax K10 und K30 (Super)/Sigma 10-20 und 18-200; Fisheye und 500mm Spiegeltele

Mein Kanal: youtube

newpapa schrieb am 11.01.2023 um 20:29 Uhr


ich kenne das nur als ganz normale Meldung. Wenn in einem Projekt Filmobjekte verwendet werden kann man keine MVD (= Filmdatei) von diesem Film erzeugen. Das ist keine Fehlermeldung sondern nur ein Hinweis, dass keine Filmdatei erzeugt werden kann.

Wolve schrieb am 11.01.2023 um 22:59 Uhr

C: Progr.Data \ simplitec : ComputerID.dat

habe Datei + Ordner umbenannt - dann sogar gelöscht => keine Fehlermeldung beim Start !

heißt das: das Geisterprogramm SIMPLITEC ist nicht mehr aktiv ?


eine der eher ungewöhnlichen Überblendung

zählen dazu auch der Ordner "Effektblenden Basic" ("Unscharf : linear horizontal oder ... gegen Uhrzeigersinn) ?


Filmobjekte verwendet werden, kann man keine MVD (= Filmdatei) von diesem Film erzeugen

kannst du mir ein Beispiel nennen, im Moment verstehe ich nur'Bahnhof' 😕

VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0

wabu schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 08:36 Uhr

@Wolve Die genannten Blenden gehören dazu. Leicht zu prüfen: einfache Kreuzblende machen und dann exportieren. Das ist im Magix Sinn ein Filmobjekt.

wabu ...............der nie auslernt

Der Rechner  Installierter physischer Speicher (RAM) 32,0 GB / Prozessor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3600 MHz, 8 Kern(e), 8 logische(r) Prozessor(en),

Intel® UHD Graphics 630 aktiviert

NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 HDMI ; 2x DVI ; VGA, PCIe

Samsung (SSD) HD103SJ F3 1 TB Sata 7200 / 2x LG GH22NS SATA schwarz

Betriebsystem Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.18362 Build 22H2

geschnitten wird seit 2007 mit Magix immer aktuell VdL und ProX

gefilmt mit Panasonic SDT 750 und FZ 1000 sowie Pentax K30 (Mist) und einer Q500k und SJ 1000 und Hero7

fotografiert mit Pentax K10 und K30 (Super)/Sigma 10-20 und 18-200; Fisheye und 500mm Spiegeltele

Mein Kanal: youtube

newpapa schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 09:20 Uhr


zählen dazu auch der Ordner "Effektblenden Basic" ("Unscharf : linear horizontal oder ... gegen Uhrzeigersinn) ?

Löst bei mir die Meldung aus. Pinboard z.B. ebenfalls. Kreuzblende hingegen nicht.

MVDs brauche ich nur für Notfälle. Da ist es nun besonders schlecht, wenn man keine erzeugen kann. Seit ich das Verhalten kenne wende ich keine eigenen Filmobjekte mehr an. Blenden verwende ich sparsam und die ich verwende machen diesbezüglich keine Probleme.

p.s. "nested objekt" verwendet MAGIX in seinen Beschreibungen nicht.


Wolve schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 14:36 Uhr


Die genannten Blenden ..... im Magix Sinn ein Filmobjekt

Unglaublich !!! ...

... Da gibt es im VdL 2023 \ "Vorlagen" MX-Blenden, die man nicht benutzen kann/darf !

Ist das korrekt formuliert ?

Wenn Ja, dann

>> bitte ich um Auskunft, welche der nachfolgenden Blenden-Gruppen (aus VdL 2023) man nutzen kann :

3D Basic | 3D Folgen Basic | 3D Morph Basic | 3D Kacheln Basic | Bewegungen Basic | Formen & Objekte Basic | Blenden Basic | Zusatz-Blenden

-.- der Gruppe "Effektblenden Basic" hast du ja schon 'die rote Karte' gezeigt, die ist also bereits raus.

DANKE im voraus, denn dann kann ich meine Filme zügiger vervollständigen 🙂


VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0

wabu schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 14:39 Uhr

Habe ich bei weitem nicht alle getestet - zumal ich die so gut wie nie nutze

wabu ...............der nie auslernt

Der Rechner  Installierter physischer Speicher (RAM) 32,0 GB / Prozessor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3600 MHz, 8 Kern(e), 8 logische(r) Prozessor(en),

Intel® UHD Graphics 630 aktiviert

NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 HDMI ; 2x DVI ; VGA, PCIe

Samsung (SSD) HD103SJ F3 1 TB Sata 7200 / 2x LG GH22NS SATA schwarz

Betriebsystem Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.18362 Build 22H2

geschnitten wird seit 2007 mit Magix immer aktuell VdL und ProX

gefilmt mit Panasonic SDT 750 und FZ 1000 sowie Pentax K30 (Mist) und einer Q500k und SJ 1000 und Hero7

fotografiert mit Pentax K10 und K30 (Super)/Sigma 10-20 und 18-200; Fisheye und 500mm Spiegeltele

Mein Kanal: youtube

Wolve schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 15:24 Uhr


die so gut wie nie nutze

??? - wie gestaltest du dann die Übergänge (von Bild o.Video zu Bild o.Video) ?

VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0

wabu schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 15:48 Uhr

zB nehme ich bei solchen Übergängen gerne ein Standbild des Videos nur für eine kleine Kreuzblende - meist aber nur den harten Schnitt

wabu ...............der nie auslernt

Der Rechner  Installierter physischer Speicher (RAM) 32,0 GB / Prozessor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3600 MHz, 8 Kern(e), 8 logische(r) Prozessor(en),

Intel® UHD Graphics 630 aktiviert

NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 HDMI ; 2x DVI ; VGA, PCIe

Samsung (SSD) HD103SJ F3 1 TB Sata 7200 / 2x LG GH22NS SATA schwarz

Betriebsystem Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.18362 Build 22H2

geschnitten wird seit 2007 mit Magix immer aktuell VdL und ProX

gefilmt mit Panasonic SDT 750 und FZ 1000 sowie Pentax K30 (Mist) und einer Q500k und SJ 1000 und Hero7

fotografiert mit Pentax K10 und K30 (Super)/Sigma 10-20 und 18-200; Fisheye und 500mm Spiegeltele

Mein Kanal: youtube

Wolve schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 16:07 Uhr

DANKE für die Info ! ... man lernt eben nie aus 😇 ...

... Dann bleibt nur noch der’Störenfried‘ <Update Notifier> !

aktuellster Stand
-- Autoruns : 'QMxNetworkSync' Haken raus || Autostart (TaskManager): 'Update Notifier' deaktieren
=> Autoruns: 2x 'QMxNet.' (aktiv + deaktiv.) || Autostart (TaskM.) : 'Update Not.' -.- Deaktiviert

=> nä.WIN-Start
-- Autoruns: nur noch 1x 'QMxNet.' (deaktiv.) || Autostart (TaskM.) : Eintrag weg

=>=>  'MX Video deluxe'  starten  !
-- Autoruns: wieder 2x 'QMxNet.' (s.o.) !! || Autostart (TaskM.): 'Update Not.' wieder da !! -.- Deaktiviert


>>  WIE kann ich den ‚Update Notifier‘ dauerhaft deaktivieren ??


>>  Kann ich den ‚Update Notifier‘ einfach löschen ??

VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0

voschi52 schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 16:14 Uhr

Warum stürzt das Encodierung immer wieder ab


BilderMacher schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 16:16 Uhr

... Dann bleibt nur noch der’Störenfried‘ <Update Notifier> !



kann es sein, dass du im Update Notifier das Häkchen nicht entfernt hast?

Ist es weg, taucht auch kein Eintrag mehr im Autostart auf.

"Je mehr die Menschen wissen, desto weniger müssen sie glauben!"

Ich kann vieles, darf aber nicht alles.


Hardware / Software:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
12288 MB RAM
DirectX 12

Intel(R) UHD Graphics (für Import, Verarbeitung, Export)

NVIDIA GeForce MX250 (wird nicht in Schnitt-SW verwendet)

  • Video deluxe 2016 Premium
  • Video deluxe 2024 Premium
  • Video Pro X 15
  • Photostory Deluxe 2024
  • Samplitude X7 Suite
  • ACID Pro 11
  • Music Maker 2025 Premium
  • MAGIX/XARA Graphic-/Web-Designer


Edition    Windows 10 Home
Version    22H2
Installiert am    ‎15.‎10.‎2020
Betriebssystembuild    19045.4717
Leistung    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0


Browser: Mozilla Firefox 128.0 (64-Bit)

BilderMacher schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 16:18 Uhr


das ist eine Zumutung! Dein Foto vom Monitor.

So geht Screenshot:

"Je mehr die Menschen wissen, desto weniger müssen sie glauben!"

Ich kann vieles, darf aber nicht alles.


Hardware / Software:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
12288 MB RAM
DirectX 12

Intel(R) UHD Graphics (für Import, Verarbeitung, Export)

NVIDIA GeForce MX250 (wird nicht in Schnitt-SW verwendet)

  • Video deluxe 2016 Premium
  • Video deluxe 2024 Premium
  • Video Pro X 15
  • Photostory Deluxe 2024
  • Samplitude X7 Suite
  • ACID Pro 11
  • Music Maker 2025 Premium
  • MAGIX/XARA Graphic-/Web-Designer


Edition    Windows 10 Home
Version    22H2
Installiert am    ‎15.‎10.‎2020
Betriebssystembuild    19045.4717
Leistung    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0


Browser: Mozilla Firefox 128.0 (64-Bit)

Wolve schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 17:09 Uhr


kann es sein, dass du ...

Jaaaaa 😏 ... habe ständig nur auf Autoruns + Autostart (TaskManager) geschaut, aber an den Notifier selbst hab ich nicht gedacht, na sowas ! ...

... auch an dich die FRAGE (s.o.) :

Da gibt es im VdL 2023 \ "Vorlagen" MX-Blenden, die man nicht benutzen kann !

Ist das korrekt formuliert ?

Wenn Ja,

>> Welche der Blenden-Gruppen (neben "Effektblenden Basic") sind denn betroffen ?


Zuletzt geändert von Wolve am 12.01.2023, 17:13, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0

BilderMacher schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 17:33 Uhr

Man kann alle Blenden benutzen. 😉

Will man aber seinen (einen) Film als MVD exportieren, muss man auf die Effektblenden (alle) verzichten und diese erst dann anwenden, wenn man den MVD-Film in sein neues Projekt eingefügt hat und das Video final exportiert werden soll.


"Je mehr die Menschen wissen, desto weniger müssen sie glauben!"

Ich kann vieles, darf aber nicht alles.


Hardware / Software:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
12288 MB RAM
DirectX 12

Intel(R) UHD Graphics (für Import, Verarbeitung, Export)

NVIDIA GeForce MX250 (wird nicht in Schnitt-SW verwendet)

  • Video deluxe 2016 Premium
  • Video deluxe 2024 Premium
  • Video Pro X 15
  • Photostory Deluxe 2024
  • Samplitude X7 Suite
  • ACID Pro 11
  • Music Maker 2025 Premium
  • MAGIX/XARA Graphic-/Web-Designer


Edition    Windows 10 Home
Version    22H2
Installiert am    ‎15.‎10.‎2020
Betriebssystembuild    19045.4717
Leistung    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0


Browser: Mozilla Firefox 128.0 (64-Bit)

Wolve schrieb am 12.01.2023 um 18:45 Uhr


DANKE ! - so sieht ein klares Statement aus !

- da sollten sich mal unsere Politiker (aller Couleur) ein 'Schnippchen abschneiden' 😎😉


VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0

Wolve schrieb am 14.01.2023 um 14:25 Uhr

Das Blenden-Problem ist gelöst - prima ! ...

... aber leider hängt sich VdL (immer noch!) gelegentlich beim 'Exportieren v. Filmen' auf !! 😥

Deshalb anbei der letzte Log-Abschnitt * -. - er protokolliert die letzten Arbeiten plus mehrere (Zwischen-)Speicherungen von Projekt und Exports des bearbeiteten Films.
Meine Kenntnisse der LOG-Terminologien sind eher rudimentär 😒 -.- deshalb bau ich auf die geballte Fach-Power des Forums !

( * Hätte ich lieber als Datei im Anhang beigelegt, aber weis nicht wie das mit einer Text-Datei gehen soll )


2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Start MAGIX Video deluxe Plus(
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::Host = true
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- AMD Radeon RX 5700 --
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0xceac
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: AMD Radeon RX 5700
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0xceac
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x1002
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x731f, 0xb361002, 0xc4
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 7.9605 / 0 / 7.9761 GB (video/system/shared)
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 0
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- Microsoft WARP device --
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0xe4a6
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0xe4a6
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x1414
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x8c, 0x0, 0x0
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 0 / 0 / 7.9761 GB (video/system/shared)
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 2
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: User QT GUI is not defined.
2023/01/13 17:01:48 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Qt GUI renderer not explicitly set.
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting up pool sizes...
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engine adapter 0x000000000000CEAC: 7.96 GB (8547471360)
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engineFramePoolSize - 2.22 GB
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultBufferPoolSize - 437.71 MB (458977075)
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultTexture1DPoolSize - 109.43 MB
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: outCachePoolSize - 1.08 GB
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: readerCachePoolSize - 2.14 GB
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: bitmapCachePoolSize - 1.07 GB
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: stagingTexturePoolSize - 1.11 GB
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ... end setting up pool sizes
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: initializing MxGpuDevice...
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: found DX12 support - initializing MultiGPU
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX12 device. feature level=49408, HRESULT=0
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX11 device. HRESULT=0
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting private data - . HRESULT=0
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateDevice: switching multithread protection ON
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: isSoftware 0
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: is ACG compatible 1
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has monitored fences 1
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has non monitored fences 0
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has keyed mutex conformance 1
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: .. end initializing MxGpuDevice
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateReaderPool() - creating reader pool on adapter 0x000000000000CEAC with size 2.14 GB
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial GPU adapter [#0xceac]: AMD Radeon RX 5700
2023/01/13 17:01:49 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial video mode: Standardmodus (Hardwarebeschleunigung, Direct3D)
2023/01/13 17:01:50 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Mainscreen/VolumeFaderDlg/VolumeFaderDlg.qml
2023/01/13 17:01:56 [INFO]    [_Common]: RegisterApplicationForRestart()=Result=0
2023/01/13 17:01:56 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/StartDialog2/StartDialog2.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:01:59 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/StartDialog2/StartDialog2.qml
2023/01/13 17:01:59 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Load project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP
2023/01/13 17:02:00 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2023/01/13 17:02:02 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2023/01/13 17:02:09 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2023/01/13 17:02:12 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2023/01/13 17:03:30 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Timeline-Modus
2023/01/13 17:03:34 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Storyboard-Modus
2023/01/13 17:06:57 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/13 17:06:57 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/13 17:06:59 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/13 17:09:31 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/13 17:09:31 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/13 17:09:32 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/13 17:09:50 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/13 17:09:50 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/13 17:09:51 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/13 17:16:00 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/13 17:16:00 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/13 17:16:01 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/13 17:16:09 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/13 17:16:09 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/13 17:16:09 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/13 17:16:41 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Storyboard-Modus
2023/01/13 17:16:51 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:16:51 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:16:51 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Timeline-Modus
2023/01/13 17:17:01 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Storyboard-Modus
2023/01/13 17:17:15 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Timeline-Modus
2023/01/13 17:17:23 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:17:23 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:17:23 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Mainscreen/Explorer/InAppStore/Tabs/EffectsTab.qml
2023/01/13 17:17:23 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Mainscreen/Explorer/InAppStore/Tabs/EffectsTab.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:17:23 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer tab to IDC_BUTTON_EFFECT_STORE_TAB
2023/01/13 17:17:35 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Helligkeit/Kontrast
2023/01/13 17:17:35 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:17:35 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:17:35 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:18:58 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Farbe
2023/01/13 17:18:58 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: Could not Init Private Data.
2023/01/13 17:18:58 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: CheckPrivateDataConsistency failed.
2023/01/13 17:18:58 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:18:58 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: Could not Init Private Data.
2023/01/13 17:18:58 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: CheckPrivateDataConsistency failed.
2023/01/13 17:18:58 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:18:58 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:19:16 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Geschwindigkeit
2023/01/13 17:19:16 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:19:16 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: InterpolateVideoFramesForTimeStretch FAILED to get right video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12763ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12771ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12779ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12788ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12796ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12805ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12812ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12821ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12830ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12837ms
2023/01/13 17:20:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12847ms
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12946ms
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12955ms
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12937ms
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12937ms
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:33 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:33 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:33 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12955ms
2023/01/13 17:20:33 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12946ms
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12937ms
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12930ms
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12921ms
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12913ms
2023/01/13 17:20:34 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12904ms
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12896ms
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12888ms
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12879ms
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12872ms
2023/01/13 17:20:35 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12862ms
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12854ms
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12847ms
2023/01/13 17:20:36 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12837ms
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12830ms
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12821ms
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12812ms
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12805ms
2023/01/13 17:20:37 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12796ms
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12788ms
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12779ms
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12771ms
2023/01/13 17:20:38 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:39 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:39 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:39 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12763ms
2023/01/13 17:20:39 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:40 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:40 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:40 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: InterpolateVideoFramesForTimeStretch FAILED to get right video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:42 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:42 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:42 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: InterpolateVideoFramesForTimeStretch FAILED to get right video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:42 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:42 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:42 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-372c.MP4 at Pos: 12763ms
2023/01/13 17:20:42 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:20:44 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:20:44 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:20:44 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: InterpolateVideoFramesForTimeStretch FAILED to get right video frame
2023/01/13 17:21:15 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/13 17:21:15 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/13 17:21:17 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/13 17:21:32 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:21:32 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:21:51 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Helligkeit/Kontrast
2023/01/13 17:21:51 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:21:51 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:22:13 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Farbe
2023/01/13 17:22:13 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: Could not Init Private Data.
2023/01/13 17:22:13 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: CheckPrivateDataConsistency failed.
2023/01/13 17:22:13 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:22:13 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:23:09 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Storyboard-Modus
2023/01/13 17:23:21 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Timeline-Modus
2023/01/13 17:24:01 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Helligkeit/Kontrast
2023/01/13 17:24:01 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:24:01 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:24:07 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/13 17:24:07 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/13 17:24:09 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/13 17:26:10 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Storyboard-Modus
2023/01/13 17:26:53 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Timeline-Modus
2023/01/13 17:26:57 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:26:57 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:27:28 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Farbe
2023/01/13 17:27:28 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: Could not Init Private Data.
2023/01/13 17:27:28 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: CheckPrivateDataConsistency failed.
2023/01/13 17:27:28 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:27:28 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:28:22 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Storyboard-Modus
2023/01/13 17:28:28 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Timeline-Modus
2023/01/13 17:28:46 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Storyboard-Modus
2023/01/13 17:28:48 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Timeline-Modus
2023/01/13 17:29:18 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Storyboard-Modus
2023/01/13 17:29:27 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch arranger mode to Timeline-Modus
2023/01/13 17:29:39 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:29:39 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:29:48 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/13 17:29:48 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/13 17:29:49 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/13 17:30:24 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Helligkeit/Kontrast
2023/01/13 17:30:24 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:30:24 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20321ms
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20338ms
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20354ms
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20371ms
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20388ms
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20404ms
2023/01/13 17:31:25 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:29 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:29 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:29 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20388ms
2023/01/13 17:31:29 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:29 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:29 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:29 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20371ms
2023/01/13 17:31:29 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20354ms
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20338ms
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4128) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: 11a-373n.MP4 at Pos: 20321ms
2023/01/13 17:31:30 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2023/01/13 17:32:57 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Farbe
2023/01/13 17:32:57 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: Could not Init Private Data.
2023/01/13 17:32:57 [ERROR]   [3WayColorCorr]: CheckPrivateDataConsistency failed.
2023/01/13 17:32:57 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:32:57 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:33:05 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch explorer subpage to Helligkeit/Kontrast
2023/01/13 17:33:05 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/13 17:33:05 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:34:24 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/13 17:34:24 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/13 17:34:26 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/13 17:35:10 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Mainscreen/Explorer/InAppStore/Tabs/EffectsTab.qml
2023/01/13 17:35:10 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/EasyFx/EasyFx_Dialogs.qml
2023/01/13 17:35:10 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Mainscreen/VolumeFaderDlg/VolumeFaderDlg.qml
2023/01/13 17:35:10 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Shutdown MAGIX Video deluxe Plus
2023/01/13 17:35:11 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::FreeAllUnusedDlls
2023/01/13 17:35:11 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::~Host

VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0

Wolve schrieb am 14.01.2023 um 22:29 Uhr

Das war ein harter Brocken ! -- dafür jetzt und zum Vergleich

>> eine VdL-Session OHNE Abstürze (und deutlich kürzer 😎) !


2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Start MAGIX Video deluxe Plus(
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::Host = true
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- AMD Radeon RX 5700 --
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0xd074
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: AMD Radeon RX 5700
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0xd074
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x1002
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x731f, 0xb361002, 0xc4
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 7.9605 / 0 / 7.9761 GB (video/system/shared)
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 0
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- Microsoft WARP device --
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0xe69e
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0xe69e
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x1414
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x8c, 0x0, 0x0
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 0 / 0 / 7.9761 GB (video/system/shared)
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 2
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]:
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: User QT GUI is not defined.
2023/01/14 15:07:40 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Qt GUI renderer not explicitly set.
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting up pool sizes...
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engine adapter 0x000000000000D074: 7.96 GB (8547471360)
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engineFramePoolSize - 2.22 GB
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultBufferPoolSize - 437.71 MB (458977075)
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultTexture1DPoolSize - 109.43 MB
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: outCachePoolSize - 1.08 GB
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: readerCachePoolSize - 2.14 GB
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: bitmapCachePoolSize - 1.07 GB
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: stagingTexturePoolSize - 1.11 GB
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ... end setting up pool sizes
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: initializing MxGpuDevice...
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: found DX12 support - initializing MultiGPU
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX12 device. feature level=49408, HRESULT=0
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX11 device. HRESULT=0
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting private data - . HRESULT=0
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateDevice: switching multithread protection ON
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: isSoftware 0
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: is ACG compatible 1
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has monitored fences 1
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has non monitored fences 0
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has keyed mutex conformance 1
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: .. end initializing MxGpuDevice
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateReaderPool() - creating reader pool on adapter 0x000000000000D074 with size 2.14 GB
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial GPU adapter [#0xd074]: AMD Radeon RX 5700
2023/01/14 15:07:41 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial video mode: Standardmodus (Hardwarebeschleunigung, Direct3D)
2023/01/14 15:07:42 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Mainscreen/VolumeFaderDlg/VolumeFaderDlg.qml
2023/01/14 15:07:48 [INFO]    [_Common]: RegisterApplicationForRestart()=Result=0
2023/01/14 15:07:48 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Dialogs/StartDialog2/StartDialog2.qml, status of bSuccess = 1
2023/01/14 15:07:51 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Dialogs/StartDialog2/StartDialog2.qml
2023/01/14 15:07:51 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Load project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP
2023/01/14 15:07:52 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2023/01/14 15:07:54 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2023/01/14 15:07:59 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2023/01/14 15:08:02 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2023/01/14 15:08:34 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open program properties
2023/01/14 15:08:45 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open arrangement properties
2023/01/14 15:09:30 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open program properties
2023/01/14 15:27:23 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/14 15:27:23 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/14 15:27:25 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/14 15:27:31 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 frame request]: AMFDEC delivered too many decoded output frames
2023/01/14 15:27:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2023/01/14 15:27:33 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open program properties
2023/01/14 15:28:16 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open arrangement properties
2023/01/14 15:28:39 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open program properties
2023/01/14 15:29:23 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Open program properties
2023/01/14 15:32:11 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2023/01/14 15:32:11 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project 2022 -- NC - SC - GA.MVP..
2023/01/14 15:32:12 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2023/01/14 15:33:30 [INFO]    [MxQt]: destroy QtDialog: Mainscreen/VolumeFaderDlg/VolumeFaderDlg.qml
2023/01/14 15:33:30 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Shutdown MAGIX Video deluxe Plus
2023/01/14 15:33:30 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::FreeAllUnusedDlls
2023/01/14 15:33:30 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::~Host

VdL 2023 Premium ( [VdL Pr.(] / VdL 2015 Pr. ( // Windows 10 Home-64Bit - autom. Update // AMD Ryzen7 3700X (8x3,60 GHz) / 16 GB RAM // Radeon RX5700 (GDDR 6 / 8 GB) aktuelles Update // Blu-Ray Brenner  Pioneer BDR-209 // 500 GB (SSD) + 4 TB (HDD) /// Nikon Z6 + 24-70 mm / 4,0