Like that, thanks, don't know when i'll use it but i do create alpha masks with Gimp & have to apply &/or place objects in the right place, I've used Magix since 2005 but still like to learn something new beyond the basics i need 😂👍
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the Mask Generator and Chromakey Alpha effects to create a custom transition from a video clip.
Update 03/08/2018: the tutorial now includes how to save the transition and use it in another project
Brilliant! I have just found this post and it has allowed me to create a transition that I always thought was a serious omission from most video editors as a single easy to use transition when editing video shot with sound (except for one product, which has recently removed it): to cut cleanly between shots without any fade, etc, but cross-fade the audio so there is no sudden and jarring change in sound. The transition simply switches from one shot to the other halfway through the length of the transition, and VPX cross-fades the sound automatically when the transition is applied.
I hadn't investigated creating custom transitions before, and your post prompted me to have a go. I'm glad I found it!