Audio driver fix to be able to record.

dj_jitty wrote on 4/6/2009, 3:41 PM
For anyone who may be having issues recording your music, someone gave me this fix that will stop the "Windows Sound Mapper" error notification.  You can fix this issue by getting ASIO 4All.  It is a driver software that is used with several different music production programs.  You may be able to find the program for free download or you may have to pay for (depending on your knowledge of legal or illegal program sharing).  To fix this issue just find and install ASIO 4All and then open up your Magix Music Maker 14.  Click on the "settings" icon once it comes up.  Under the Audio/MIDI tab open the dropbox labelled Output device and select ASIO.  Then make sure that the ASIO driver bubble is selected.  Then click save.  Now when you try to record an arrangement you just select ASIO for the Audio Driver and you can now record you arrangement.


NoTurning wrote on 4/9/2009, 8:08 AM
Great tip... though if you go to it's always FREE!This site it the original author and he doesn't charge for it.

docgaween wrote on 6/7/2009, 8:51 PM
I downloaded  asio4all but i  could not fint the "setting" icon you refer to when you open samplitude 14.  Where is it? Is it in the toolbar for a new recording project, or does it come up immediately when you open samplitude 14?