3D Video Editing in MEP17plusHD

RogerGunkel wrote on 11/8/2010, 5:36 PM

This is a 15 minute tutorial on editing captured video streams from 2 cameras into a 3d video. It assumes that two similar cameras were used to capture left and right eye views. 

3d editing tutoral.mp4


SMcQ wrote on 11/12/2010, 1:57 AM



Thank you for this. There is nothing pertinent in the help files, so your tutorial is the only resource I've found so far for using the program with 3D content. I'm on the 30 day trial, so the  3D functionality might not be included! If it is, the interface keeps it well hidden.


What I want to ask you is, how can a stereo side by side pair be inducted into the program so that the 3D controls will apply to it? All my content will come from either CGI stereo combined by Stereo Movie Maker, or from the Fuji W3, so I'm not dealing with individual streams.



RogerGunkel wrote on 11/12/2010, 5:05 AM

Hi SMcQ,


I tried the free trial version first and I specifically wanted the programme for 3d editing, so the free trial will enable you to do that. Also while I think of it, if you do buy it, there is an option in the help tab to download extras, which include all the titling, design features and many other things that will otherwise be missing. It's a big download, but well worth it.


So I don't have a Fuji W3, but I do have a Fuji W1 which packs the L/R streams the same way as the W3, basically 3davi files. I hadn't used any W1 files, so just took a few seconds of footage to try it.


The quickest way to transfer, is to just remove the card from the camera and put it into your computer. Then click the record button on the monitor window. The record screen will open and you should select the AVCHD choice. The programme will probably have already located the card, mine did, or navigate to it if not. Select where you want to save it then click import. It will transfer very quickly and you can navigate to it in the media pool. If you have the 'Insert into Timeline' box checked in the record menu, it will go straight to the timeline for editing.


On the timeline, the file will look like a 2d file with track1 for the video and track 2 for the audio. This is because the left/right streams are taken fom the camera as one stereo object. The streams will already be synched, but you can still alter the horizontal, vertical and rotational alignment as per the tutorial.


If you want to separate the files from the W3 as  L/R files for any reason before importing to MEP17, then you can use the Fuji supplied software to take the files from the camera, then split them in the Fuji 'Tools' tab into left/right files. They can them be imported to MEP17 as separate streams, although that seems to defeat the point of using the w3. Just thought I would mention it in case you ever need it.


As you already are familiar with SMM, you will probably already know that SMM will also split the Fuji files if required. You will probably also be aware that SMM can combine your CGI streams into 3davi aswell as side by side etc. That may be a good route to go down if you are mixing W3 and CGI streams.


If you are into 3D then you may want to look at the excellent 3dphoto.net forum http://www.3dphoto.net/forum/index.php  I don't think Magix mind me mentioning it, as I have highly reccommended MEP17 on the forum.


Hope that helps,



higgins wrote on 11/23/2010, 8:54 AM

SMcQ, good news! It is much simpler to deal with Fuji W3 (which I own, too) and Side-by-side material than with Stereo-Pairs. W3 files are automatically detected to be Stereo3D (in multistream format) by the program. Side-by-side material has to be tagged as 3D. To do this go to "effects->Stereo-3D->properties", then specify the exact side-by-side source property. All different kind of Stereo-3D material can be adjusted with the settings mentioned by RogerGunkel (i.e. to correct vertical offset in some W3 takes or shift the 3D room away from the viewer...).


Have fun with S3D!



kingsmeadow wrote on 12/7/2010, 5:00 AM

Hi Roger


Great tutorial and I learned a lot from it.  One problem I have is this. In order to lock the two streams together for side by side production, I have to first click on anaglyph ! It will not lock unless I do that first. A bug perhaps. Or is it just my installation.


I have an Nvidia 3D display system as well as a Sony 3D TV so I need the side by side technique.


Thnaks again



RogerGunkel wrote on 12/26/2010, 5:18 AM

Sorry for not replying earlier Ang, been having connection problems intermittently for a couple of weeks!


It seems a little odd having to click on anaglyph first before joining the tracks. I haven't found that, but will play around and try to recreate your problem. I have found that sometimes when you click on the takes to select them for 3d joining, then click the 3d button, they don't join and you have to reselect the take. I always select the top take of the two, as it doesn't seem to work if you select the lower one.


Also I've noticed that if you highlight both of the takes at the same time, clicking the make 3d tab doesn't do anything. The programme seems to require just the upper track highlighted then looks for the lower track to combine with. I think we all know that although MEP is a fantastic programme, it has some very peculiar quirks.




kingsmeadow wrote on 1/2/2011, 2:37 AM

Thanks for your input. I shall try a few things, but it's not too much of a problem, as I can do what I want although it's a bit more fiddly that it should be. Perhaps an upgrade may fix it !



bshnow wrote on 4/8/2011, 8:11 AM

It wouldn't go full screen. can't see what you asre doing.

gibson3980 wrote on 7/14/2011, 11:48 AM

Does anyone know how to input videos from the Evo 3d into this program.  I would like to splice smaller clips into one clip and maybe add a few things.  I am having a hard time having the program recognize the evo 3d format.  Thanks in advance

kreplatch wrote on 9/9/2011, 7:36 PM


  You video on 3D was excellent and helpful. Here's a dumb question: You showed a "Left Hand" and "Right Hand" folder with the same video clips that had to be synched up while editing. Were these clips the exact same (just in different folder with different names) or did you do something special to get two separate clips?

Many thanks for the info!

RogerGunkel wrote on 9/20/2011, 11:52 AM

Hi Kreplatch,

Just found your question as I have been unable to log on for a while.

You can see two folders, left and right, as I use a twin synchronised camera system, so I end up with files from the left and right cameras. If you have a 3d camera, such as the Fuji W3 or Sony Bloggie etc, the 3d video file from them will be in a single folder and will show as a single audio and stereo track in MEP17.


Last changed by RogerGunkel on 9/20/2011, 11:52 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Videographer and Photographer since 1984 from South Lincolnshire UK. Windows 10 Home 64 bit V1803, Intel I7-6700 3.4GHz, Editing on VPX V16.0.1.255,


RogerGunkel wrote on 9/20/2011, 11:58 AM

If anybody else is unable to see the tutorial full screen, please visit this 3d forum http://www.3dphoto.net/forum/index.php

You you will find this tutorial and another in the tutorial section of the forum, which you can download and view full screen. The forum is also very friendly and helpful for all things to do with 3d video and stills.



Last changed by RogerGunkel on 9/20/2011, 11:58 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Videographer and Photographer since 1984 from South Lincolnshire UK. Windows 10 Home 64 bit V1803, Intel I7-6700 3.4GHz, Editing on VPX V16.0.1.255,


movies3d wrote on 2/11/2012, 1:59 PM

My LG passive 3D TV plays video files in 3D directly from my Fuji cameras or my Sony HDR-TD10 or DXG 3-D camcorders via an HDMI cable.  It also plays Time Warner On Demand selections as well as commercial 3D BluRays automatically (that is, with no manual format selection on the TV's remote).  However, I have not been successful with burning a BluRay from my cameras, playing the BluRay in my 3D BluRay player, and having the LG TV show the content in 3-D.  It either plays in 2-D or with weird splits of the images (frequently with a light vertical column in the middle of the screen overlapping images on both sides.  I've tried many combinations of settings and nothing has worked. 

movies3d wrote on 2/11/2012, 2:31 PM

I tried to register on the Forum site that Roger recommended.  I was hoping to watch his video on 3-D editing full screen.  The site warned that it was currently being inundated with spam and that it might take extra long to verify registrants.  In fact, the site would not allow me to register.  In order to register I was required to identify six letters and answer the questions (in English) "Are you human?" and Is the world flat?  It rejected my assertion that I was human.  I'm assuming that this silliness is part of the spam problem the site is currently experiencing.