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Technical problems / Error messages
How do I contact technical support?
Where can I find my manual (PDF)?
How to solve "Error -24"
MAGIX Video converter is not recognized by the system
Troubleshooting "Error code -14"
Installation procedure - MAGIX Video converter
General procedure for dealing with installation problems
Troubleshooting Error: -59,16xx and "Account already exists"
Error: "HRESULT -2147024769" or "sfvstwrap.dll failed to register"
I can' t import MOV files into the software!
Error code -1
Analog recording not possible
Error: "Corrupted data" or error code"2147163964"
Notification: "Could not connect to the Internet"
Error message: "Waveform output device cannot play this format"
How to keep your video drivers always up-to-date
Running a Program as an Administrator in Windows 10
The system cannot recognize my capture devices
How to optimize visualization on 4K screens
How to fix the message "Error in the MAGIX database"
Error message: "The file format MKV cannot be read"
The software recognizes new fonts, but cannot use them
Fix network connection issues in Windows
Record/Playback button is grayed out
Error message: "DVDMaker.dll has detected a version conflict [..]"
Error during registration: "MediaExchangeProxy_x64.dll"
Error code 1935 during installation
When restarting the system, the software starts itself automatically
Notification: "Compressed folder is not recommended for recordings"
Videos recording in black-and-white only
Error message: "Cannot find the name of IDGL driver"
Error message: "Error in module LavasoftTCPservice64.dll"
How to fix error "WIX DIR COMMON"
How to fix "File not found" and "Error 1618"
Automatically cutting projects
Switch to the archive
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