Comments Former user wrote on 3/11/2014, 7:02 AM loops magix chosen with care. the mixing of the various steps it seems to me good music. track light and pleasant to listen to very well franco WARNING: THE OPINION EXPRESSED AND ' VALID FOR ALL CALLS TO LISTENING POSTED TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT: GALAEGALA-FRASANGALAGLAV-SWPROJECT Former user wrote on 3/11/2014, 8:56 AM Schöne Relaxe Musik mit sehr schöne Melodien, Tipp, am Master könnte man noch deine schöne Musik Verbessern, Fein Mastern , Lg, von The Three Elements. Piazzini wrote on 3/11/2014, 1:54 PM Hoi Indigo This is your music so sound your sound. Experimental and very interesting. The transition is perhaps a bit sudden, but already fits. Sometimes maybe a little discordant. Fine song, with 5:41 but I find it a bit long. en liebe gruess vom sandro Leomax wrote on 3/11/2014, 3:16 PM Kann mich nur den 3Lements anschließen. LG Leomax 1