You got to work F.R.H. wrote on 11/3/2020, 4:21 AM 4 80 Tags: Reggae You got to work Get it simple... this projekt was nearly a falure.. but... at some point is think it´s okay LOLPicture: (c) F.R.H. 2020 my crazy dog like the music Have fun and make magix music, i try Back to post
Comments Jochen-S wrote on 11/3/2020, 4:34 AM Hi Finn,very beautiful and interestingly put together reggae from you... BRAVO...👍👍Greetings Jochen ... franco-galateo wrote on 11/3/2020, 5:22 AM good sound..interesting track.. i appreciate this song Franco Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 11/3/2020, 9:18 AM very well done - ciao da sandro Ingo-Flieger wrote on 11/3/2020, 12:07 PM The result is not a failure - it is VERY cool reggae !! Jinty wrote on 11/3/2020, 3:29 PM Hello Finn, You done a great job creating it!!!!!! All the best, Jinty.... Former user wrote on 11/5/2020, 4:21 AM Hi Finn, join me in Jochen. Great reggae. I like it very much and I like to hear it. Greetings Gerd DJCProject wrote on 11/6/2020, 10:06 AM Hi, sehr schöner Reaggy. Der gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut. Klasse Arbeit. Sehr gerne gehört. Top. 💯💯👍🏻👍🏻 LG, Claas. Ps Das Ende hättest du aber besser machen können. 🤓 F.R.H. wrote on 11/6/2020, 10:12 AM @DJCProject Thank you for your comment - Y E S the ending it a completly falure, i down´t now what i think... forgot to fade out 😂😂😂😂 1