
Leomax wrote on 5/10/2014, 1:56 PM

Hi Jinty

very nice Disco-Dance 

i like it 


Former user wrote on 5/10/2014, 3:31 PM

Hi Jinty

Yes very good track !   Very nicely !         5*

Best regards FuturX


Former user wrote on 5/11/2014, 5:32 AM

Cooler Track,

Schöner ausgeglichener Sound.


u7project wrote on 5/11/2014, 10:48 AM

Very good Track !!!!!

Former user wrote on 5/11/2014, 12:34 PM

Hi! Dein Titel passt. Stück für Stück wandelt sich Dein "World Domination" in hörbarer Form. So ist's gut.

LG / aces-e37

Former user wrote on 5/11/2014, 1:38 PM

Hola,,,,Hi...Good...Muy buen sonido y me gusta mucho,el sintetizador agresivo es perfecto...Muy buen arreglo,felicidades,un amable saludo de tu amigo Tecraon...

                                                       Amigo sin estrellas.


gerrycix wrote on 5/12/2014, 7:19 AM

Hello Jinty ,

Great sound and mix !

Ciao David

tingel wrote on 5/15/2014, 1:59 PM

COOL - very good sound...! like this... maybe I will dance tonight great done... best wishes to you - Tingel

redisland wrote on 5/16/2014, 6:52 AM

hi jinty

coole lockere musik

sehr gute arbeit

lg die redis


stuallan wrote on 5/17/2014, 4:39 PM

Hi Jinty,

Very Powerful! Excellent instrument choice, Fantastic arrangement. You build this up really well, adding to the intensity with each bar. Super job! Great vocal effects. You put everything into a great package.

Loved it!



jorual wrote on 5/18/2014, 12:37 PM

Hi Jinty,

Powerful Dancemusic, and all made with Midi. Very good Jinty.

Cheers Jorual

AtomicFusion wrote on 5/19/2014, 7:52 AM

Hi Jinty,

auch hier

Super Job


