Who Knows ?

Nickillus wrote on 4/7/2013, 9:34 PM
Title: WHo Knows -01

Playing around from scratch, knocked this together with midi.  So many possiblities with the instruments that come loaded with Musicmaker, let alone with the additional ones I've found online.  And then there's the mastering thing - which obviously  I'm nowhere near mastering yet.


tingel wrote on 4/8/2013, 2:08 PM

Mister Newman without voice... good work... Greetings Andi... goes to my FAV from behind...

Farstom wrote on 4/8/2013, 3:35 PM

well done

nice building

i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 4/8/2013, 3:35 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



gunbjo wrote on 4/9/2013, 1:43 PM

Hi Nickillus, Yeah I like this and you've managed well enough with mix and master, I think. A very original melody.



Nickillus wrote on 4/9/2013, 3:21 PM

Thanks for the encouragement, chaps.  Much appreciated.

Former user wrote on 4/10/2013, 3:11 AM

Beaucoup de mystère !! J'aime !    == 5*

LEFTHANDER wrote on 4/10/2013, 12:44 PM

Your Cover and your Music is the same......the Cover is really cool .....your music listen better , maybe if you give more Structure in all !




Former user wrote on 4/20/2013, 12:15 AM

well done i like it!

LORDPEER wrote on 12/19/2014, 10:40 AM

Hello Nick 

Man merkt , das langsam aber sicher deine Musik Strucktur an nimmt .!! Mit Midi zuerst deinen Sound , deine Grundstrucktur herstellen und dann Sampel einarbeiten , dann wird alles gut .!!!

Yes haufen Arbeit 5 Sterne my friend 

Dee . Jee . Peer und auf zu neuen Ufern  bei dir 

studly wrote on 12/6/2015, 9:41 PM

Unusual sound Nick....But i like it . Well DoneMate.


