Who Are You Really_R2_(No Piano)

info4u2 wrote on 2/9/2014, 4:48 PM

Who Are You Really_R2_(No Piano)

This is a revision of the song 'Who Are You Really' and I have implimented the suggestion by Michael (mschoeff) to remove the piano from the first version.

Less maybe more, what do you think

Let me know which version you like best.



Former user wrote on 2/10/2014, 7:13 AM

This time the volumes are balanced and certainly more than the voice you can hear the music.
track in the music is simple and direct so easy to listen to.
his voice is very unique, but in tune and interesting.
opinion without doubt positive

                              POSTED TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT:
                              THANK YOU
                               DA FRANCO - SANDRO - LORENZO (MITS RECORD) 
              A.S.S.E.F. (Accademia Scientifica Suoni Eterogenei Futuri )       
What should I do to enroll in the Academy? Simply .... experiment without any barrier! Therefore, those who want to experiment with courage, you can use the title regardless of what Assef produce!

mschoeff wrote on 2/10/2014, 12:44 PM

Yes, that's much better to my ear.

What really come forward are the fine sensual guitar tunes a what I really favor is your soft discreet voice, that almost hovers in the background and contributes a nice calm but constantly caring atmosphere to the song.

Well done!

Is there a chance to download that song somewhere?

With kind regards


(I would experiment wit an additional triangle and a soft chorus in the background ... just an idea ...)

Last changed by mschoeff on 2/10/2014, 12:44 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Ja ... also .... hallo

Ich heiße Michael, 

bin Musikfanatiker, 

viel zu extrovertiert ... also zu sendungsbewusst, 

und ich bin MAGIXSÜCHTIG.     

Puh ... war gar nicht so schwer... 

Ich habe berufsbedingte Arbeitsphasen und Ruhephasen und mit MMM habe ich eine neune sinnvolle erholsame und trotzdem produktive Beschäftigung für meine Ruhephasen gefunden. Außerdem werde ich auch abends oft aus dem Wohnzimmer verband, weil ich immer TV-Filme kritisiere, steht meine Frau überhaupt nicht drauf. Kennt ihr vielleicht.... das Phänomen meine ich, und dann ist MMM mein Hafen der musikalischen Boheme.

4exjohn wrote on 2/11/2014, 11:21 AM



Musik ist sehr eingängig.

Ich würde aber nicht soviel Hall auf die Stimme geben.

Greetz John.



stuallan wrote on 2/13/2014, 11:47 AM

Hi Indigo,

Sounds good without the piano as well. I did like the piano line in the other version but Maichael is right, you get to tune into the super guitar lines which are very well done.

The overall atmosphere is very gentle and relaxing. Your voice floating in the background fits in well. As John pointed out, maybe a little less reverb, no biggy.

Stretch the fade at the end so we can float out.

Well done.




Former user wrote on 12/7/2014, 7:30 AM

Hi Indigo:

Of course, I'm never for removing a piano part.  It all depends on the final mix.  If you want the guitar to stand out, soften the piano audio or vice versa.  In any event, this is still a comfortable listen.
