What's wrong?

Former user wrote on 2/4/2011, 10:32 AM
What's wrong?
Width: 567
Height: 490

Can someone tell me what is causing the poor image quality in this photo? It has been supplied for use in a magazine I work on, and I'd like to be able to tell the client what the trouble is. See lack of detail in bollards, leaves, guy smoking wearing hoodie etc. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks. See full size version at http://justdots.magix.net/public

Pic taken with Nikon CoolPix P90, 1/754 sec @ f3.2, ISO 64 (according to EXIF info in PhotoShop)


Former user wrote on 2/5/2011, 4:35 PM

vermutlich ist die "Aperture Priority F 3,2" und die Messmethode "Pattern" in erster

Linie für die mindere Qualität des Fotos verantwortlich. Eine Blende 6,3 oder 8,0

hätte eine bessere Gesamtschärfe ergeben. Das Hauptmessfeld war auf den Baum

in der Bildmitte ausgerichtet,was auch zu Fehlmessungen führen kann.



denis61 wrote on 10/18/2015, 2:33 PM

Bonjour, c'est une bonne photo que vous nous presentez. denis