Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 5/28/2018, 12:45 PM
Tags: Jazz, Comedy, Rock, Other

Another collaboration between John Duffin aka JohnZSmith and me. Please ENJOY, our friends.~~~Clay-Brian-Wilson

What is the Shape of Your Life?



  Heptagramic star




Music by Clay Wilson and John Duffin based on 'Aqua
Eyes' by Clay Wilson.  Lyrics by John Duffin.



Tell me what is the shape of your life, life, life?

Tell me what is the shape of your life, life, life?


Verse One – Is Your life a Square?

Is your life a square? 
A game of solitaire?  A walrus or a bear?



Or Guacamole avocado pear, pear, pear?

A crocheted quilt or worn-out easy chair, chair, chair?

Tell me what is the shape of your life, life, life?

Tell me what is the shape of your life, life, life?


Verse Two – Is Your life a Pseudosphere?

Is your life a little weird?  Like a pseudosphere?  Distorted out of fear.



Opaque at parties, sometimes very clear, clear, clear

Dressed by day in oak-effect veneer, veneer, veneer.


Verse Three – Mine is Quite Bizarre

Mine is quite bizarre. 
Like a basking shark.  Smoking a cigar.



Skewered by a heptagramic star, star, star

Jamming on an el-ec-tric guitar, guitar, guitar –
Guitar! (oh yeah)


Instrumental Guitar Solo



Tell me what is the shape of your life, life, life?

Tell me what is the shape of your life, life, life?


Verse Four – Yours is an Annulus

Yours is an annulus, a duckbilled platypus
warbling like a thrush.



In a heart-shaped topiary boxwood bush, bush, bush

Singing songs of beauty, luck, and love, love, love.


Verse Five – Ours is a Lemniscate

Is ours a lemniscate that's come to be heart-shaped
from playing Ducks and Drakes.



Traversing oceans, mountains, land and lakes, lakes, lakes

Traveling together as soul mates, mates, mates.



Tell me what is the shape of your life, life, life?

Tell me what is the shape of your life, life, life?


Coda – An Hourglass

The shape of your life intrigues me.

Q: What shape do I see, baby?

A: An hourglass.


(c) 2016 John Anthony Duffin & Clay Brian Wilson

All Rights Reserved




ITCHYPHOX wrote on 5/28/2018, 12:56 PM

The shape of my life is squobtangularcle sometimes pear 🍐 but always there. Haha this song is so entertaining & far out fella's gonna have to rewind this for another listen. Lyrical genius comedy remedy. The piano is happy go lucky & quirky & when the guitar drops in with the lyric the dynamic duet shines through. My god skewered by a heptagrammic star lol 😂 I love this. Fun & far out, but at the end of the day it's all about that special person the hourglass. Amazing.

Revival wrote on 5/28/2018, 2:37 PM

COOL ! But the guitarsolo is CRAZY !

gundewilde wrote on 5/28/2018, 4:51 PM

Hey, ich mag Deine Art Musik zu machen. Dieses hier ist sehr unterhaltend. Vor allen das Gitarren solo ist fett und nicht so ernst gemeint. Klasse. Auch deine songs "darkness passing" und "family" habe ich gerne gehört.

Vielen Dank, gun

Former user wrote on 5/28/2018, 7:37 PM

The shape of my life was in a circle, now its a horizontal line where I can see the end towards my retirement next year lol, ha ha the theatrics of this piece is awesome with that mad guitar, yes its a mad mad world at Clay and johns ranch. its good to see two great guys from acidplanet come over to Magix or is it just magic being together again, yes mates,mates,mates brilliant song guys. a pleasant listen. 💯

fetter339 wrote on 1/23/2019, 8:15 PM

The guitar solo of totally bizarre and I love it. What a great tune. Did you use to post the lyrics too?