Started this tune yesterday, messing around with a few of the vast array of presets from the Curve 2 vst (Cableguys). Wasn't sure quite what to do with it until I stumbled across a sound bite I'd saved of a speech by Senator Robert Byrd, who died in 2010. It was actually about the Iraq war, questioning US involvement, but with those references taken out still seems very relevant today. This is in no way me having a pop at the US. Being from the UK, whose involvement is equally, if not more questionable, I'm in no position to do so. Nor would I wish to.
Either way, the message is, something has to change. I can't offer any solutions either, but the way things are going at the moment, we are headed for disaster of one flavour or another. Just a thought.
Thanks for listening, if you do.
For any interested in hearing some or all of the speech, part one is here on Youtube -