"Wave strings"

doane wrote on 12/24/2011, 12:20 AM

This is my second attempt at using Magix MX18 and I was playing with the Vita syntheizer. This is longer then the first attempt and has more of a build up and ending to it, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use everything...I was able to record a syntheizer track, but then didn't seem to be able to record a second one with out saving the whole thing to a wav and then adding the second synth track to that wave track. Also,  how do you get a pan effect with different tracks?   I've got a week off for Christmas so will have some time to play with this and I hope to get my Yamahaa keyboard hooked up and figure out how to use it with the program.



Spartano wrote on 12/24/2011, 3:56 AM

Eine Sehr schöne Rehlaxe Musik,

ich Wünsche dir und deine Familie Herzlich Frohe Weihnachten,
Herzlichen Gruß Spartano!

Last changed by Spartano on 12/24/2011, 3:56 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Former user wrote on 12/24/2011, 9:12 AM

la qualità del suono è molto buona, il brano è di facile ascolto con qualche idea musicale non male.


Ciao GalaeGala

Buon Natale a te e famiglia

Former user wrote on 12/24/2011, 9:50 AM

>Stimme ist "leicht" gut reingebracht___.... die Instrumente (klangartig) hätten mehr vertagen können....


smartsmurf wrote on 1/5/2012, 1:21 PM

Even though singing and musical arrangement don't always seem to match... I think this is a very nice (2nd) attempt on Music Maker...

What do you mean with "to get a pan effect with different tracks"..?

To enhence the panorama of a track you can either use flanger effect (makes the sound wander between right and left channel)... or with more than one track... use stereo processor to put different sounds to different channels... you can also use "Mastering Suite" to enhence panorama to wide stereo... to bring some echo and/or depth into your song (music) you should experiment with Hall / Echo and Delay...

doane wrote on 1/7/2012, 10:19 AM

"Paning".. moving one instrument to left or right and the other in the opposite direction.. I wanted to move the voices near the end to opposite panned sides and couldn't figure out how to do it and/or, how to do it in real time so that they would move from one point to another while the music is playing.  I just many not have found it yet, is there a pan control?
