Bella traccia, hai rappresentato benissimo il disagio della guerra, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco ciao
Former user
wrote on 8/31/2013, 5:57 PM
Sehr gut gemachter Movie Score Beitrag ....
" PEACE" for all Mankind "
Gruß Andreas
Former user
wrote on 8/31/2013, 9:42 PM
Hi DJ:
Once again you've proven your mastery of MMM's sounds and styles with an excellent blend of arrangement and composition. The sound effects are wonderfully presented in this haunting piece. One can almost 'feel' the trauma and tragedy of battlefield conflict, also known as WAR!
definitely a track suitable for use as a soundtrack.
Indeed very nice and then clean up the mix, which puts you in a movie.
if you wanted trasmetteere an effect of guewrra and discomfort, you did
very well
the song is in a really clear, war, compositional idea of excellent quality and excellent result
Former user
wrote on 9/1/2013, 12:28 PM
Pech für die Jenigen, die sich solche Jobs aussuchen –müssen damit rechnen, dass selbst ihr Leben damit ausgelöscht würde –anders herum gedacht, sind es Menschen, die ihr Leben auf’s Spiel setzen, um das eventuell Böse von dieser Welt zu schaffen –nur leider gibt es immer wieder Kriegstreiber –man weiß gar nicht mehr, wofür und für wen man noch kämpfen soll –ist zwar ein nicht so beliebtes Thema für Menschen, die solche gefährlichen Spielchen strengstens verurteilen –, !!
In the past, I´ve done a song with the same message with "koeddi" called "Helden"... if we look at Syrien today and other places.... this theme is actuell at every time... better we can say there is no more war on the world... but you made it very good and remeber us to this part of the world... hope every one can go home some day... and War isn´t any more.... Andi