Walking along the brook

gunbjo wrote on 5/21/2015, 8:51 AM

Hallo again,

I have been abscent from the comunity for a year and a half because I've been remixing all of my melodies during this period. Now I know the sound is much better although I'm far from a pro. Well, now I 'm uploading again the first melody I sent to this comunity. It's a sort of classical music made as pop.

Hoping it will be liked by somone



MuggeMaker wrote on 5/21/2015, 10:03 AM

Yes i like it. 

Good work on this job...nice.

Kind piece of pop music.

Spartano wrote on 5/21/2015, 11:04 AM

Eine schöne Abwechslungsreiche Relaxe Piano Musik, 

Sehr gerne angehört,

Lg, von Spartano!


Last changed by Spartano on 5/21/2015, 11:04 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Former user wrote on 5/26/2015, 12:44 PM

the song I do not particularly like, but I admit that the compositional work seems well done.
then everyone has their preferences, it is clear this is not intended as a criticism, but it is only my sincere and honest opinion
