Virada Celestial

Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/5/2020, 9:26 PM
Tags: Pop, Dubstep, Soundtrack, Techno, Other, Synthpop, Wave

Campo Tradening

6°- Diagonal

Virada Celestial

Só Enrolação


Meras Coisas

Fixas Coisas

Muitas coisas

Do Seu Tempo


Do “Eu” Tempo

No Seu Tempo


Former user wrote on 10/6/2020, 1:07 AM

Hi Paulo my friend,

super track/song but I think your voice could be a little bit more in the front, but a good song with incredible groove of the drums👍👍👍

All the best


franco-galateo wrote on 10/6/2020, 3:02 AM

delicate and rafined track.. compliment good idea composiitonal


horst-d wrote on 10/6/2020, 3:34 AM

good track rhythmically and melodically 🎼 🎹 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🎼 🎹

🎹🎷🎺🎻🎹♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ 🎹🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 🎹

 ♪♪♪🎼💙 💜 💛 💚😊❤️🎧♪♪♪

Best wishes Horst😎

Jochen-S wrote on 10/6/2020, 4:26 AM

Ola Paulo meu amigo musico,..
Boa trilha sonora e ótima voz sua...👍👌👍
Saudações a Jochen e continue saudável...🙏

Picnicboy wrote on 10/6/2020, 6:58 AM


Do I hear the Zebra here? Seems like that.

Nice and very interesting Track.

Cool how your Vocals sound. hehe... nice nice.

LG, Pic😎

Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/6/2020, 12:15 PM


Do I hear the Zebra here? Seems like that.

Nice and very interesting Track.

Cool how your Vocals sound. hehe... nice nice.

LG, Pic😎

Hi My Friend @Picnicboy, I tried to use PulginZebra. It left orbit. But over time I get the ZEBRA mallet! The S1 is great !!


Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/6/2020, 12:35 PM

Hi Paulo my friend,

super track/song but I think your voice could be a little bit more in the front, but a good song with incredible groove of the drums👍👍👍

All the best


Thank you friend Bééérty @Former user In the version version I will put my vocal more to the height! 😆😀👍🏻🎵🎶🎵🎶😁

Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/6/2020, 12:41 PM

good track rhythmically and melodically 🎼 🎹 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🎼 🎹

🎹🎷🎺🎻🎹♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ 🎹🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 🎹

 ♪♪♪🎼💙 💜 💛 💚😊❤️🎧♪♪♪

Best wishes Horst😎

Thank you My Friend @horst-d


Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/6/2020, 12:48 PM

delicate and rafined track.. compliment good idea composiitonal


Thank you Friend Franco. @franco-galateo 😀👍🏻 All the best.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/6/2020, 12:50 PM

Ola Paulo meu amigo musico,..
Boa trilha sonora e ótima voz sua...👍👌👍
Saudações a Jochen e continue saudável...🙏

Thank you Friend @Jochen-S


Former user wrote on 10/6/2020, 3:14 PM

Hi Paulo,

interesting experimentalTrack..ILIke my Friend..




Former user wrote on 10/9/2020, 12:25 PM


Interesting Track. well done

LG Andy

Former user wrote on 10/9/2020, 2:56 PM

I agree with Pic. A nice track and sound.
Greetings Gerd

fetter339 wrote on 10/13/2020, 9:10 PM

I like the synth arp and kit - unusual yet interesting track.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/14/2020, 6:56 AM

Hi @fetter339


This song, I made it out of the blue, out of the blue, unintentionally, I did it as I please, without me telling who will be there or not, in fact, my best songs are made, when I don't care if people will like , here is the lyrics of this song, somewhat exoteric and abstract:

"Trading Field
Sixth, Diagonal
Heavenly turn
Just rolling

Mere things
Fixed things

More things...
From your time

Time  "me"
From your time"



Portuguese Version:


"Campo Tradening

6°- Diagonal

Virada Celestial

Só Enrolação


Meras Coisas

Fixas Coisas

Muitas coisas

Do Seu Tempo


Do “Eu” Tempo

No Seu Tempo"


Pat_02 wrote on 10/14/2020, 11:56 AM

Gosto de música arpejada e aí os arpejos são agradáveis ​​e essa música traz 2 ritmos diferentes: um rápido com os arpejos e outro lento com a bateria, é original. muito bom...
Saudações amistosas.

I like arpeggiated music and there the arpeggios are pleasant and this music brings 2 different rhythms: a fast one with the arpeggios and a slow one with the drums, it's original. very good...
Friendly greetings.

J'aime bien les musiques arpégée et là les arpèges sont plaisants et cette musique apporte 2 rythmes différents : un rapide avec les arpèges et un lent avec la batterie, c'est original. très bien...
Salutations amicales.


Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/14/2020, 12:09 PM

Gosto de música arpejada e aí os arpejos são agradáveis ​​e essa música traz 2 ritmos diferentes: um rápido com os arpejos e outro lento com a bateria, é original. muito bom...
Saudações amistosas.

I like arpeggiated music and there the arpeggios are pleasant and this music brings 2 different rhythms: a fast one with the arpeggios and a slow one with the drums, it's original. very good...
Friendly greetings.

J'aime bien les musiques arpégée et là les arpèges sont plaisants et cette musique apporte 2 rythmes différents : un rapide avec les arpèges et un lent avec la batterie, c'est original. très bien...
Salutations amicales.


Sensationnel. Je pensais à toi @Pat_02 , environ 3 secondes, avant d'ouvrir mes messages. Merci ami pour les compliments, vous êtes la pop star ici sur 😀👍🏻🎇

Pat_02 wrote on 10/14/2020, 1:23 PM

Gosto de música arpejada e aí os arpejos são agradáveis ​​e essa música traz 2 ritmos diferentes: um rápido com os arpejos e outro lento com a bateria, é original. muito bom...
Saudações amistosas.

I like arpeggiated music and there the arpeggios are pleasant and this music brings 2 different rhythms: a fast one with the arpeggios and a slow one with the drums, it's original. very good...
Friendly greetings.

J'aime bien les musiques arpégée et là les arpèges sont plaisants et cette musique apporte 2 rythmes différents : un rapide avec les arpèges et un lent avec la batterie, c'est original. très bien...
Salutations amicales.


Sensationnel. Je pensais à toi @Pat_02 , environ 3 secondes, avant d'ouvrir mes messages. Merci ami pour les compliments, vous êtes la pop star ici sur 😀👍🏻🎇

Pop ou rock? ri muito! eu não sou uma estrela, lol! apenas alguém que gosta de improvisar seus estilos preferidos e se agrada tanto melhor e se não agrada muito ruim rsrsrs! .

Pop ou Rock ? lol ! je ne suis pas une star, lol ! juste quelqu'un qui aime improviser ses styles préférés et si ça plait, tant mieux et si ça ne plait pas tant pis, lol ! . 

ONEPART- wrote on 10/14/2020, 4:32 PM


Good Track, but i cant Understand your voice.

Keep Up , best wishes from OnePart

Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/14/2020, 7:48 PM


Good Track, but i cant Understand your voice.

Keep Up , best wishes from OnePart

Hello friend @ONEPART- , here is the translation of this clue:


"Trading Field

Sixth, Diagonal

Heavenly turn

Just rolling

Mere things

Fixed things

More things ...

From your time

Time "me"

From your time "

Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/14/2020, 8:08 PM

JE @Pat_02 PENSE QUE VOUS CONNAISSEZ LES DEUX: POP AND ROCK, lol ... faites ce qui suit, si vous buvez une bière, veuillez m'en apporter une! 😜😜😜😅😅😅

DJ-HERMAN wrote on 10/27/2020, 4:12 AM

 Wszystko SUPER i OK. 👍👍👌👌👍👍🎼🎹🎧

Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/27/2020, 7:11 PM

 Wszystko SUPER i OK. 👍👍👌👌👍👍🎼🎹🎧