Users Feedback in the Media Community

PATIENT-X wrote on 1/11/2025, 9:12 AM
Users Feedback in the Media Community
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Creation date: 10/11/2024, 10:26 PM

Hi Everyone 
Its been brought to my attention that some users are listening to newly uploaded music, leaving a comment but not getting the same favour in return.
That's why its a Community, its about sharing your work, receiving feedback comments and receiving tips of how to improve your work if required.
Uploads and feedback comments should be balanced on a one to one basis, i have noticed many users upload two titles at the same time on the uploads page.
If a user uploads two pieces of music, then listens to another users one piece of music and leaves a comment, does that user expect the user with one piece of music to listen to your two pieces of music, it seems unfair.
its all about proper balance in the community and if users are leaving lots of comments on users uploads and not getting any feedback in return, then those same users will move on to another site.
For Magix to remain in operation there has to be that vibrant Community which we had before to share and comment on each others work, it cannot be one sided.
I have had new users before who would leave links on their uploaded music from other music sites, to simply say hey check me out, i am the greatest, i am a pop star, and be single minded by simply not being interested at all in your music, a selfish act of one sided promotion.

The numbers are dropping on membership, and for the Magix Media Community to survive, we need that vibrant community Again.
So if you receive a comment on your music, please return the favour to keep the Community alive and buzzing like it was before.
I hope to see a vibrant community this year and hopefully many of those who have left but still have their account or not, return once again to share their great talent and collaborate with others.
Ps If users wish to continue uploading two pieces daily, at least upload them a few hours apart Instead of together at the same time.
If membership in the Community continues to drop, I don't see the reason why I should continue as Moderator.

I wish you all a great new year here and also in your personal life.

Cheers 😊👍🍺🍺🍺


Hallo zusammen Es wurde mir zugetragen, dass einige Nutzer neu hochgeladene Musik hören, einen Kommentar hinterlassen, aber nicht dasselbe als Gegenleistung erhalten. Deshalb ist es eine Gemeinschaft, es geht darum, seine Arbeit zu teilen, Feedback-Kommentare zu erhalten und Tipps zu bekommen, wie man seine Arbeit verbessern kann, falls nötig. Uploads und Feedback-Kommentare sollten im Verhältnis eins zu eins ausgeglichen sein. Ich habe bemerkt, dass viele Benutzer zwei Titel gleichzeitig auf der Upload-Seite hochladen. Wenn ein Benutzer zwei Musikstücke hochlädt, dann ein Musikstück eines anderen Benutzers anhört und einen Kommentar hinterlässt, erwartet dieser Benutzer dann, dass der Benutzer mit einem Musikstück sich seine zwei Musikstücke anhört? Das scheint unfair zu sein. Es geht um das richtige Gleichgewicht in der Gemeinschaft, und wenn Benutzer viele Kommentare zu den Uploads anderer Benutzer hinterlassen und keine Rückmeldungen erhalten, werden diese Benutzer zu einer anderen Seite wechseln. Damit Magix weiterhin betrieben werden kann, muss es diese lebendige Gemeinschaft geben, die wir früher hatten, um die Arbeiten der anderen zu teilen und zu kommentieren. Es kann nicht einseitig sein. Ich hatte schon früher neue Benutzer, die Links zu ihrer hochgeladenen Musik von anderen Musikseiten hinterließen, um einfach zu sagen: Hey, schaut euch mich an, ich bin der Größte, ich bin ein Popstar, und sie waren so einseitig, dass sie überhaupt kein Interesse an deiner Musik hatten, ein egoistischer Akt einseitiger Werbung. Die Mitgliederzahlen sinken, und damit die Magix Media Community überlebt, brauchen wir diese lebendige Gemeinschaft wieder. Wenn ihr also einen Kommentar zu eurer Musik erhaltet, gebt bitte den Gefallen zurück, um die Community lebendig und voller Energie zu halten, wie sie früher war. Ich hoffe, in diesem Jahr eine lebendige Gemeinschaft zu sehen und dass viele von denen, die gegangen sind, aber immer noch ihr Konto haben oder nicht, wieder zurückkehren, um ihr großes Talent zu teilen und mit anderen zusammenzuarbeiten. Ps Wenn die Nutzer weiterhin täglich zwei Werke hochladen möchten, sollten sie diese zumindest mit ein paar Stunden Abstand hochladen, anstatt sie gleichzeitig hochzuladen. Wenn die Mitgliederzahl in der Community weiter sinkt, sehe ich keinen Grund, warum ich als Moderator weitermachen sollte. Ich wünsche euch allen ein großartiges neues Jahr hier und auch in eurem persönlichen Leben. Prost 😊👍🍺🍺🍺 Stephen


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Philip-J wrote on 1/11/2025, 11:47 AM

The Magix system seems to allow ignored users to leave comments on your music. For me to comment on an ignored user's music would require me to take the user off Ignore, comment, then put the user back on Ignore. This means I would not really be ignoring the commenter.

I always do a comment in return or leave a thank you in the guestbook if a user hasn't got music I can comment on or I've commented on all their music already. Incidentally, even a moderator here didn't do a return comment when I commented on his music! He just clicked the Thank You.

When I comment, I try to show I really listened to the music. I suspect many commenters who say something general like "good music!" didn't listen to it.

I generally don't reply to users whose comment is just a picture. That could mean anything. The user probably didn't listen. I usually put such users on ignore.

I generally don't comment on the people who do two uploads a day, who have uploaded thousands of tracks, and who seem to only want to be always at the top of the Media area of the Magix Community. I believe most if not all of their tracks are done by one or two clicks on the Song Generator or put together in a few seconds. I do not want to spend more time listening to it than the creator did making it. Also, I do not believe I am getting something special when a creator does this. You have 5000 tracks and I am supposed to believe that every one of them is special?

Users who do backhanded comments go onto Ignore. It's obvious they didn't really like the music. Rather than make a backhanded comment on theirs, and it turns into a big argument, I prefer to just Ignore them. I am not going to praise the music of such users. It would not be healthy psychologically. Such people can move on and find someone they like.

It may be that Magix is going out of business. There is much more competition for users than when they started 25 years ago. Some of these gaming sites have millions of users playing the game all day. Such users probably are not going to be attracted to Magix. It seems to me that many of the commenters here are in their old age. Few if any young people coming along because of the gaming sites and the social sites like Facebook and now you can chat with the AI chatbots. YouTube and TikToc and NetFlix weren't available when Magix started.

Commenters in their old age like Siggi and Jochen may have health issues that prevent their return. They did well to comment on everything. That must have taken much time and been much work.

PATIENT-X wrote on 1/11/2025, 12:54 PM

Hi Philip

Thank you for your in-depth response, yes I agree many users are of the older generation including myself in this community, with regards to the Moderator in question I shall contact him to respond to users left comments and their music uploads.

I know many younger users are into A.I generated music as it's easy and instant, as I mentioned using A.I is not creating music and does not merit any feedback, this site is about creating music from scratch, I feel some users are too lazy and look for a quick fix in their so called music creativity which it is not.

Even though Magix have an a.i song maker, I am not a fan of it, it's great to use it if your starting from new, but I feel some users use it regularly and throw up many uploads which do not have that musical structure.

Yes there are many amateurs here, but those who use A.I song maker in the beginning should start to move away from it and create their own ideas and style.

But I have seen many users receive a comment and don't return the favour, if your only interested in yourself, you should go to another site.

It can be difficult to get that right balance as some users only listen to a few seconds of music and leave a brief comment.

The good thing being a member at website which is now gone, is that they set a timer on users songs, so you had to listen to a users song for at least two minutes before you could leave a comment which was a fair system.

Best wishes

Stephen 😊


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jlbahlo wrote on 1/12/2025, 12:43 AM

Hi Stephen,
From now on I will try to reply to all users commenting on my songs which is something I seldom do. Long ago, someone hinted that some users were probably using AI to compose songs which I somehow disagree. Artificial Intelligence, Computers, or any other machines will never surpass the intellect, talent, and creativity of a human brain since they have no soul. Computers can make thousands of songs but will never create true music since they are cold and their lack of love, passion, and feelings is self evident. I always try no to meddle into other users songs because any creation by anyone is a manifestation of ourselves and I applaud the intention. If anything, I could suggest to everyone to implement the "Anatomy of a Song" which consists of an "Intro, Verse/Melody, Chorus, Bridge, and Outro". This order is the norm but it can be interchangeable and repeated just like the old Beatle song "She Loves You" that starts with the Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Verse, etc. and ends up with the Chorus again as an Outro!. All my songs tend to follow that pattern. So far I admire Jinty for her many songs she has created. Thank you very much for being a loyal Magix moderator and I wish a happy New Year to you and all Community users and God bless you all. Thank you!! ☺️ From Texas, USA.

PATIENT-X wrote on 1/12/2025, 9:00 AM


Hi thank you for your input.

With regards to Magix A.I song maker it cannot create music properly with an Intro, Verse/Melody, Chorus, Bridge, and Outro.

I have heard music from A.I song maker and sometimes the intro is non existent or abrupt and the ending just cuts off, it does not have the proper musical structure and does not give the user total freedom in creating music.

Users creating music with Magix music maker can create amazing songs without A.I song maker if they are determined enough.

But as I said, it's good for a beginner to start creating music, but they must pull away from A.I and create their own style, think outside the box etc.

Yes Jinty has created wonderful music over the years and so has many other users in the Community.

There are so many outside interferences in people's life and the state of the global economy, job losses and health issues etc, I can understand if users are not here so often.

The media section needs to earn revenue like everywhere else, and if the community is busy with members who in turn may purchase Magix samples creating their music, it helps to keep the Community alive and in operation.

I hope that the many users who have left and is reading this post will return again to keep Magix alive.

Ps it's frustrating for many users who spend hours creating their music only to get a couple of comments.

If this trend continues there will be no-one left?

So to all members, from now on if you receive a comment on your music, video and photos, please return the favour to keep the Community alive.

Best wishes

Stephen 😊

Hallo, danke für deinen Beitrag.

Was den Magix A.I Song Maker betrifft, kann er mit Intro, Vers/Melodie, Refrain, Bridge und Outro keine Musik richtig erstellen.

Ich habe Musik von A.I Song Maker gehört und manchmal ist das Intro nicht vorhanden oder abrupt und das Ende bricht einfach ab, es hat nicht die richtige musikalische Struktur und lässt dem Benutzer keine völlige Freiheit beim Erstellen von Musik.

Benutzer, die Musik mit Magix Music Maker erstellen, können erstaunliche Songs ohne A.I. Song Maker erstellen, wenn sie entschlossen genug sind.

Aber wie gesagt, es ist gut für einen Anfänger, mit dem Erstellen von Musik zu beginnen, aber er muss sich von der KI lösen und seinen eigenen Stil entwickeln, über den Tellerrand schauen usw.

Ja, Jinty hat im Laufe der Jahre wunderbare Musik geschaffen, und das gilt auch für viele andere Benutzer in der Community.

Es gibt so viele Eingriffe von außen in das Leben der Menschen und den Zustand der Weltwirtschaft, Arbeitsplatzverluste und Gesundheitsprobleme usw. Ich kann verstehen, wenn Benutzer nicht so oft hier sind.

Der Medienbereich muss wie überall sonst Einnahmen erzielen, und wenn die Community mit Mitgliedern beschäftigt ist, die wiederum Magix-Samples kaufen können, um ihre Musik zu erstellen, hilft das, die Community am Leben und in Betrieb zu halten.

Ich hoffe, dass die vielen Benutzer, die diesen Beitrag verlassen haben und jetzt lesen, wiederkommen, um Magix am Leben zu erhalten.

Ps.: Es ist frustrierend für viele Benutzer, die Stunden damit verbringen, ihre Musik zu erstellen, nur um dann ein paar Kommentare zu bekommen.

Wenn dieser Trend anhält, wird niemand mehr übrig sein?

Wenn Mitglieder von nun an einen Kommentar zu ihrer Musik, ihrem Video und ihren Fotos erhalten, erwidern Sie bitte den Gefallen, um die Community am Leben zu erhalten.

Beste Wünsche 

Stephan 😊

Last changed by PATIENT-X on 1/12/2025, 9:12 AM, changed a total of 4 times.

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Picnicboy wrote on 1/12/2025, 12:14 PM

Moin, or Hi!

One Thing I have to say, too.

The central Problem here is, that the most don´t accept Critics.

I don´t lie to the Musicians, I don´t write "nice Track", but it is´nt.

And if you leave a critical word, the most react with Aggressions.

I have had that some Weeks ago again.

The One who has become a constructive Critics from me has reacted with

negative Comments on my Site and my Tracks.

That´s why I stopped to write to some of this Musicians, who only want to hear: You are great, you are the Best.

But not can handle a constructive Critics.

Such People are not here to learn, or get better. They only want to present themself.

That sucks.

LG, Pic😎

PATIENT-X wrote on 1/12/2025, 5:39 PM


Hi Pic

I agree that certain users get quite upset when there is some form of criticism, if you can't accept criticism you will never learn.

In my twenty years at Acidplanet I would receive many criticisms of my musics structure as a new beginner, there were a lot of great bands and musicians who would critic my work in a negative manner.

I did get upset at first, I would email those who left criticism and they would respond to me saying we'll you will never learn to create music if you don't accept our help, they turned out to be the nicest folk ever and I learned a lot in many genres as I could not stick with the one genre.

There was a group of us who formed our own team of musicians called "Nu Rhythm Nation" we collaborated many times, but due to creative differences we eventually split up, that's life lol.

I am sure many have been influenced with others music here, and I have noticed users thank each other for the great advice.

When a new user joins and I can see they are only interested in themselves, I tend to send them a message and they're gone.

If someone has the time to check out your music and they offer some advice or tips that can help you, don't get mad, take it on the chin like a man or a woman.

We are all here to learn at some point, I am always learning with various genres.

Best wishes

Stephen 😊

Hallo Bild

Ich stimme zu, dass manche Benutzer ziemlich verärgert sind, wenn es irgendeine Form von Kritik gibt. Wenn man Kritik nicht akzeptieren kann, wird man nie lernen.

In meinen zwanzig Jahren bei Acidplanet erhielt ich als Anfänger viel Kritik an der Struktur meiner Musik. Es gab viele großartige Bands und Musiker, die meine Arbeit negativ kritisierten.

Anfangs war ich wirklich verärgert, ich habe denjenigen, die Kritik geäußert haben, eine E-Mail geschickt und sie haben mir geantwortet, dass wir nie lernen werden, Musik zu machen, wenn Sie unsere Hilfe nicht annehmen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sie die nettesten Leute überhaupt waren Ich habe in vielen Genres viel gelernt, da ich nicht bei einem Genre bleiben konnte.

Es gab eine Gruppe von uns, die unser eigenes Musikerteam namens „Nu Rhythm Nation“ gründete. Wir haben viele Male zusammengearbeitet, aber aufgrund kreativer Differenzen haben wir uns schließlich getrennt, so ist das Leben, lol.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass viele hier von der Musik anderer beeinflusst wurden, und ich habe festgestellt, dass sich die Benutzer gegenseitig für die tollen Ratschläge bedanken.

Wenn ein neuer Benutzer beitritt und ich sehe, dass er nur an sich selbst interessiert ist, sende ich ihm normalerweise eine Nachricht und er ist weg.

Wenn jemand die Zeit hat, sich Ihre Musik anzuhören und Ihnen Ratschläge oder Tipps gibt, die Ihnen weiterhelfen können, seien Sie nicht böse, nehmen Sie es wie ein Mann oder eine Frau unter die Lupe.

Irgendwann sind wir alle hier, um zu lernen. Ich lerne immer mit verschiedenen Genres.

Beste Wünsche 

Stephan 😊



Last changed by PATIENT-X on 1/12/2025, 5:41 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

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Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



badwashbear wrote on 1/12/2025, 7:13 PM

hi stephen. it's important that this topic is addressed. for me it's like this, I'm happy about every comment, even if it's bad criticism. And I also give a lot of comments. but I only comment on tracks that I like, because I have the impression that if you comment negatively, the uploader will be angry. I've been active here again since April 2024. My old profile has been deleted for 9 years. and I haven't been on this platform for all that time. since I've been active here again, I've received mostly positive feedback and I give it back to the others. I find the small community here very nice, and I feel comfortable here too.

badwashbear wrote on 1/12/2025, 7:53 PM

hi stephen. it's important that this topic is addressed. for me it's like this, I'm happy about every comment, even if it's bad criticism. And I also give a lot of comments. but I only comment on tracks that I like, because I have the impression that if you comment negatively, the uploader will be angry. I've been active here again since April 2024. My old profile has been deleted for 9 years. and I haven't been on this platform for all that time. since I've been active here again, I've received mostly positive feedback and I give it back to the others. I find the small community here very nice, and I feel comfortable here too.

P.S. what I wanted to add. I don't use AI. Except for the images for my tracks. Because it's easy to name a topic and then have it represented visually. And that way there are no problems with copyright if you take any images from Google or other sites. I've learned a lot with Magix music maker since 2006 and all my tracks just come about somehow. If I'm honest, I don't even know much about music. I'm not a professional. But I taught myself everything I do. And that's why I say I look forward to every comment. I don't post that much now either. I always take a lot of time and so it can happen that I need several weeks for one track

PATIENT-X wrote on 1/13/2025, 6:29 AM


Hi David

Thanks for your input.

Using A.I for images is fine, but there are plenty of images to choose from at Pixabay and Pexels.

When I notice for example a user who has been a member at Magix for 15 years but only has 7 comments I would not waste my time or effort checking out their music as I know they are not going to be bothered checking out my music which I have worked hard to create.

It's silly for some users not to bother commenting as they could really build up attention on their profile and create their own fan base.

At Producerbase users did not comment, they just clicked the like button, some users were uploading over a dozen pieces of music a day, most of it absolute rubbish.

It's more about quality than quantity, uploading too many pieces of music is like spamming, other users lose interest.

Even though I don't upload music on a regular basis, I do still linger for now in the background as Moderator monitoring the community.

Best wishes

Stephen 😊

Hallo David

Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag.

Die Verwendung von KI für Bilder ist in Ordnung, aber bei Pixabay und Pexels gibt es eine große Auswahl an Bildern.

Wenn ich zum Beispiel einen Benutzer bemerke, der seit 15 Jahren Mitglied bei Magix ist, aber nur 7 Kommentare hat, würde ich weder meine Zeit noch meine Mühe damit verschwenden, seine Musik anzuhören, da ich weiß, dass er sich nicht die Mühe machen wird, meine Musik anzuhören, was ich auch tue haben hart daran gearbeitet, etwas zu schaffen.

Für einige Benutzer ist es albern, sich nicht die Mühe zu machen, Kommentare abzugeben, da sie dadurch wirklich Aufmerksamkeit auf ihr Profil lenken und eine eigene Fangemeinde aufbauen könnten.

Bei Producerbase äußerten sich die Nutzer nicht, sondern klickten einfach auf den „Gefällt mir“-Button. Einige Nutzer luden über ein Dutzend Musikstücke pro Tag hoch, die meisten davon absoluter Unsinn.

Es kommt mehr auf Qualität als auf Quantität an, zu viele Musikstücke hochzuladen ist wie Spam, andere Nutzer verlieren das Interesse.

Auch wenn ich nicht regelmäßig Musik hochlade, bleibe ich vorerst noch im Hintergrund und beobachte die Community als Moderator.

Beste Wünsche 

Stephan 😊


Last changed by PATIENT-X on 1/13/2025, 6:31 AM, changed a total of 2 times.

Pc self build by me.

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Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



badwashbear wrote on 1/13/2025, 8:01 AM


Hi David

Thanks for your input.

Using A.I for images is fine, but there are plenty of images to choose from at Pixabay and Pexels.

When I notice for example a user who has been a member at Magix for 15 years but only has 7 comments I would not waste my time or effort checking out their music as I know they are not going to be bothered checking out my music which I have worked hard to create.

It's silly for some users not to bother commenting as they could really build up attention on their profile and create their own fan base.

At Producerbase users did not comment, they just clicked the like button, some users were uploading over a dozen pieces of music a day, most of it absolute rubbish.

It's more about quality than quantity, uploading too many pieces of music is like spamming, other users lose interest.

Even though I don't upload music on a regular basis, I do still linger for now in the background as Moderator monitoring the community.

Best wishes

Stephen 😊

Hallo David

Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag.

Die Verwendung von KI für Bilder ist in Ordnung, aber bei Pixabay und Pexels gibt es eine große Auswahl an Bildern.

Wenn ich zum Beispiel einen Benutzer bemerke, der seit 15 Jahren Mitglied bei Magix ist, aber nur 7 Kommentare hat, würde ich weder meine Zeit noch meine Mühe damit verschwenden, seine Musik anzuhören, da ich weiß, dass er sich nicht die Mühe machen wird, meine Musik anzuhören, was ich auch tue haben hart daran gearbeitet, etwas zu schaffen.

Für einige Benutzer ist es albern, sich nicht die Mühe zu machen, Kommentare abzugeben, da sie dadurch wirklich Aufmerksamkeit auf ihr Profil lenken und eine eigene Fangemeinde aufbauen könnten.

Bei Producerbase äußerten sich die Nutzer nicht, sondern klickten einfach auf den „Gefällt mir“-Button. Einige Nutzer luden über ein Dutzend Musikstücke pro Tag hoch, die meisten davon absoluter Unsinn.

Es kommt mehr auf Qualität als auf Quantität an, zu viele Musikstücke hochzuladen ist wie Spam, andere Nutzer verlieren das Interesse.

Auch wenn ich nicht regelmäßig Musik hochlade, bleibe ich vorerst noch im Hintergrund und beobachte die Community als Moderator.

Beste Wünsche 

Stephan 😊


Thanks Stephen.
I think you're doing a good job as a mod here

best wishes back😄

Mark_Kostora wrote on 1/14/2025, 1:20 PM

Hi Magix community,

As a fairly newcomer I have been impressed by the many contributions made here. I usually have something to share around 1 or 2 weeks at a time. As suggested by Phillip I use the hybrid approach of combining what I have created with my own studio resources and Music Studio and Music Maker that have become wonderful tools for music and video creation. I often use a song I have created in the past and sometimes re-mix and re-master the song to make it a interesting song to go with a video theme. And at other times I create a new song with Music Maker and mix in some music I have created with my own studio resources. I know some of you produce more than a song a week and sometimes many. I really enjoy songs created by the community and if I see something that interests me I really enjoy listening and commenting. Since I have been invited here by one of you I have had much enjoyment here and will continue to do so. I seem to pickup that there has been a drop in membership. Actually I have seen that in other music platforms and over the years I have seen waves of interest and waves of lower participation. That could be normal.

To have good participation it is important to give those who listen and comment the respect that makes us comfortable with the community. We all have our own way of expressing ourselves. Some of us are better expressing ourselves with our music but not so much with our words. And the other way around for others.

For those who have been here a long time inviting friends into the community is a way of increasing participation as has been done with me and I am very grateful to have been invited. So far I have felt very welcome here and will contribute as much as I can. Music for some of us like me is my best way of expression as is for the friend who has invited me. I hope I can express myself in a way that others will enjoy and appreciate.

As we say 'all my best'

Mark Kostora ;)

PATIENT-X wrote on 1/14/2025, 1:32 PM


Hi Mark

There are many users in the Magix software forums who will not share their music in the media community, as they prefer their own social media sites to promote their music.

Yes it's a good idea to invite friends if they have the same interest in creating music to Magix media community.

Over the last year or so I have seen comments on my music considerable drop which can be frustrating especially when you have spent hours creating your piece.

Other users have messaged me to say that they now do not get many comments on their music even though they have checked out many users uploads but are not getting the favour in return.

So my message to everyone is if someone takes the time to listen to your music and leave a comment, please do the same in return, at the end of the day we are all uploading our music to share and receive feedback.

Best wishes

Stephen 😊

Hallo Mark

Es gibt viele Benutzer in den Magix-Softwareforen, die ihre Musik nicht in der Mediengemeinschaft teilen möchten, da sie ihre eigenen Social-Media-Seiten bevorzugen, um für ihre Musik zu werben.

Ja, es ist eine gute Idee, Freunde zur Magix-Mediengemeinschaft einzuladen, wenn sie das gleiche Interesse am Erstellen von Musik haben.

Im letzten Jahr oder so habe ich einen erheblichen Rückgang der Kommentare zu meiner Musik erlebt, was frustrierend sein kann, insbesondere wenn man Stunden damit verbracht hat, sein Stück zu erstellen.

Andere Benutzer haben mir geschrieben, dass sie derzeit nicht viele Kommentare zu ihrer Musik erhalten, obwohl sie sich die Uploads vieler Benutzer angesehen haben, aber keine Gegenleistung erhalten.

Deshalb meine Botschaft an alle: Wenn sich jemand die Zeit nimmt, Ihre Musik anzuhören und einen Kommentar zu hinterlassen, tun Sie bitte dasselbe im Gegenzug. Am Ende des Tages laden wir alle unsere Musik hoch, um sie zu teilen und Feedback zu erhalten.

Beste Wünsche 

Stephan 😊

Last changed by PATIENT-X on 1/14/2025, 1:38 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Vio-Project wrote on 1/14/2025, 1:59 PM

Hello Stephen!

Yes, this topic has been discussed here many times, especially by you.

For me, I can only say: I stick to it and always try to be fair.

I hope that some people here will think about your words and follow up with actions.

Stay healthy, see you soon and greetings from Sylvio 😎

PATIENT-X wrote on 1/14/2025, 2:08 PM


Hi Sylvio

Thanks for your input, fingers crossed.

A community is built on respect, friendship and interaction.

Best wishes

Stephen 😊

Hallo Sylvio

Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag, wir drücken die Daumen.

Eine Gemeinschaft basiert auf Respekt, Freundschaft und Interaktion.

Beste Wünsche

Stephan 😊

Last changed by PATIENT-X on 1/14/2025, 2:08 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard