Ultimate Vibrations

michael-t33 wrote on 2/28/2015, 9:55 AM
Title: Ultimate vibrations
Artists: Mike/T

Hi music fans.

This track called Ultimate vibrations, was inspired by one of my favorite synth players, Jean Michele Jarre.

I would love to see him in concert sometime, assuming he is still touring, I have a few of his live concerts on

DVD, all his concerts are legendary.

Anyhow hope you like the track.

Peace to all.

Mike T.


Former user wrote on 3/1/2015, 7:14 AM

excelente no matter what u do with this melody, its just good

Nickillus wrote on 3/1/2015, 11:24 AM

A track with a great vibe.  Super ryhthms and synth sounds going on.  I like it.