Tranced Out [The Remix]

HeliEye wrote on 6/5/2012, 2:42 PM
Title: Tranced-Out The Remis
Artists: HeliEye

After many valuable tips from the more expert music makers here, I have tried to apply the tips received to this new version of Tranced Out.

I hope I have improved the 'transitioning' that many commented on?

I've used Magix & purchased samples.

I would be interested to see If I've made any improvements? feel free to put me right



Former user wrote on 6/5/2012, 3:01 PM

Hey Steve .... Yes, the tips do you have implemented quite well with the effects of the transitions in a better way. Nice that you went out again. LG stefan

BERNARDPH wrote on 6/5/2012, 4:43 PM

good evening HeliEye

As I have write to you I am not an expert in trance, but I appreciate your music. 

For my part I find that the transition between 0:20 ET 0:21 ET may be a bit steep a bit more than a concatenation would have been more extended and also the transition to 0:34 might be a bit longer and increasing power. 

But experts are better than I give you advice and comment. 

But it's better for me and very pleasant to listen



Former user wrote on 6/6/2012, 1:17 AM


Ich finde diese Version viel besser als die Erste. Die Themenwechsel sind noch nicht so gut.

Liebe Grüße, Daniel

Picnicboy wrote on 6/6/2012, 2:51 AM


Better it is!

There can be some up- and downlifters between the changing Parts whichhide them a bit more for example.

Other way is MORE EFFECT! BOTH is a way to bring the changing Themes together!!!

In the Mastering-Suite you can use STEREO-WIDE for more Room in your Music!

I ALWAYS USE IT! ! !  By my own way, but I ALWAYS use it! For TRANCE use DANCE and not  CD-MIX!

There´s sooo much... I write priv! Remember me.


Spartano wrote on 6/6/2012, 3:12 AM

Hallo mein Freund Steve, Höre denn Anfang deine Trance an, 0:13 dann kommt eine Anfangs Melodie, dort kann man ein Zisch Effekt Einbauen, die Melodie kommt zu Abrupt, bei 0:21 Ändert sich es wieder dort kann man auch wieder ein Effekt Einbauen, so das Alle Übergänge Weicher Klingt, Die Melodien wechseln Übergang sind dein Problem das hört man in dein Ganzen schönen Track,

Herzlichen Gruß von dein Musikfreund Joachim 




Last changed by Spartano on 6/6/2012, 3:12 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Alix wrote on 6/6/2012, 9:39 AM

Hello, i like your song, very good.


Former user wrote on 6/6/2012, 2:19 PM

si!!!!!!!!!!!!! molto bene, vedo che questa volta ri sei buttato verso un mix, tenco trande ed elettronico, noi grandi ascoltato ri e anche bravi compositori, praticamente facciamo tutto,

io ho ascoltato il brano e lo reputo bello, ma non mi chiedere di andare in discoteca, io lo metto tra i preferiti perchè il mix è veramente bello. , ma oramai l'aetà è passata

Ciao Franco

siggi_s wrote on 6/6/2012, 3:43 PM


so tolle Elemente welche hier  zu Sprunghaft aneinander gereiht sind,

da kann man mehr draus machen!

LG Siggi

Former user wrote on 6/7/2012, 7:02 AM


Me Gusta Mucho...


denis61 wrote on 6/8/2012, 8:53 AM

Salut, très bonne musique, très bonne version. denis

Former user wrote on 8/28/2012, 10:44 AM


Herzliche Grüße...Conny