
Maury wrote on 2/21/2011, 5:20 PM

Belle musique très calme et réfléchie! J'aime aussi les chiens et les chats ... (animaux en général !)... il est difficile à perdre ou à être sans leur d! Sur le moral! Salutations

Former user wrote on 2/21/2011, 5:47 PM

Sehr schöner interssanter Soundtrack.

Mir gefällt die Steigerung in Deinem Song extrem gut.

Sehr tolle arbeit !




lg RazorCH

Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 2/21/2011, 6:49 PM

Grand travail !!!  ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Rana wrote on 2/21/2011, 11:24 PM

That's a great way to pamper her :) she must be proud of her master..Lol.


Beautiful track, ambiance is so peaceful and calm...nice use of pads.

Spartano wrote on 2/21/2011, 11:26 PM

La beaucoup belle musique ! 5*
Salut cordial Spartano!

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Cosmozentriker wrote on 2/22/2011, 1:04 AM

... paßt gerade wunderbar in meine Morgenstimmung! 


LG Paul

nihon94 wrote on 2/22/2011, 2:36 AM

dedié est joli et la musique est le meilleur.

5 S


Former user wrote on 2/22/2011, 2:52 AM

Salut Ami ....




J'en ai 8 p'tites boules de poils comme cela .... mais bref, pour en revenir, à ce qui nous concerne ici, c'est du bon boulot, dans ton style, avec ta manière. Respect pour ce magnifique moment que tu viens de me faire passer. Je suis sincèrement admiratif ....



Former user wrote on 2/22/2011, 5:20 AM

Hast Du gut gemacht -:Klasse Klassik -:Bravo!



Former user wrote on 2/22/2011, 8:01 AM

Hallo Pascal!


Wunderschön beruhigend!


Klasse gemacht!


Daumen hoch!


LG Tina Fino

Former user wrote on 2/22/2011, 8:35 AM

Obwohl ich hauptsächlich eher schnellere Titel bevorzuge mag ich die ruhigen Titel um von meiner "Boum Boum" Musik runter zu kommen. Tolle Arbeit! 5* lg Martin

Former user wrote on 2/22/2011, 8:40 AM

Salut Pascal,

Votre image correspond parfaitement à cette musique.
Calme et bien se comporter ... comme les chats "parfois" sont.
Mais quand ils sont éveillés, puis ...

J'aime excellente.

salutations à vous


redisland wrote on 2/22/2011, 8:40 AM

sehr schöne musik zum träumen und entspannen


gruss die redis

Barusse wrote on 2/22/2011, 10:50 AM

Très belle composition musicale. On se laisse transporter par la douceur des notes...


B59fly wrote on 2/22/2011, 11:32 AM

Un morceau très agréable de rêver, somnoler approprié. S'il ya encore un chat et un ronronnement à l'oreille ....... c'est le paradis sur terre. Excellent!


Salutations Brigitte

Njego wrote on 2/22/2011, 11:44 AM

La Chanson est très juste lui donner un autre nom, de doux rêves !!!!

Former user wrote on 2/22/2011, 1:24 PM

Hallo,.. Sehr schöner Sound , BRAVO ...



Gruß Oktave

Former user wrote on 2/22/2011, 2:13 PM


relax, melancholy, sweet atmosphere.

These are the characteristic of this splendid track.

New age sound, in the style of Aeoliah.



Visitor wrote on 2/22/2011, 2:33 PM

Perhaps a little touch in mastering to make it better. But that`s my mind.






Frantzi wrote on 2/22/2011, 4:50 PM

A very smooth and nice melody brought in a good technical manner to us...

Reminds me a little bit in the basic line on Schuberts "Ave-Maria"....

very relaxing and good to hear on late evenings...perhaps in companionship of one ore another living tiger...




Thanks to Vicky-Dan...

threejane wrote on 2/22/2011, 4:58 PM

Une composition très moelleuse et détendue, très agréable. Je l'aime! Le complément d'échantillons l'un l'autre très bien.


(Je aussi comme le chat très beaucoup!)  

holie wrote on 2/23/2011, 2:30 AM

wunderschön . . . . träumen . . entspannen . . .sich wohl fühlen . . . :o)

jorual wrote on 2/23/2011, 3:05 AM

Hallo Pascal,


Schoene Komposition, laedt zum relaxen ein.

Gruss Jorual.

Former user wrote on 2/23/2011, 11:47 AM

Salut mon ami,
au-delà de avoir écouté de la belle musique j'ai aussi vu un chat merveilleux.. j'aime les chats.

Belles sonorité très fascinantes

5***** + ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ((pur le petite e douce boule de poils)

Ton ami
