Through My Veins

ZIGGI wrote on 2/11/2012, 12:01 PM

Hi Music Friends

Having a few hours spare here and there over the past few days has been enough time to create something new.

Unfortunately no singing from me this time. Maybe on the next song.

All made with samples. 95% Magix.

My only intention this time was to get feet tapping.

I hope you enjoy.




Hallo Musikfreunde

Mit ein paar Stunden zu ersparen hier und da in den letzten paar Tagen hat genug Zeit, um etwas Neues zu schaffen.

Leider kein Gesang von mir diesmal. Vielleicht beim nächsten Song.

Alle Samples, mit gemacht. 95% Magix.

Meine einzige Absicht war diesmal zu bekommen Füße tippen.

Ich hoffe, Sie genießen.


TommyG wrote on 2/11/2012, 7:31 PM

Hallo Brian,

ja von dir kommen ja immer Hammersongs. Das hier rockt wieder ganz gut. Auch wenn diesmal deine Stimme nicht dabei ist, auch die Konserven-Vocals fetzen, und natürlich auch das Wahnsinns-Gitarren-Solo.

Man wartet schon auf deinen Gesang, aber lass dich nicht drängeln, gut Ding braucht gut Weile, so ein deutsches Sprichwort.

Schön, daß es mal wieder etwas von dir zu hören gab.

Former user wrote on 2/12/2012, 5:02 AM

hello my friend,
one usual good work from you. it makes me joy to hear this.
love to greet you

redisland wrote on 2/12/2012, 5:38 AM

hallo brian

klasse song

gefällt uns sehr gut


lg die redis

Maboe wrote on 2/12/2012, 6:34 AM

Well done! I really like it.

5* Mathias 

Former user wrote on 2/12/2012, 6:40 AM

yo! das rockt das haus & meine füße wippen wie irre!!!

(schade - ohne deinen gesang.:-(is dein micro kaputt?:-)

B59fly wrote on 2/12/2012, 7:09 AM

Wow .... ein tolles Stück das in die Füsse geht ..... habe die ganze Zeit mitwippen müssen ....

Grüessli Brigitte

Guitorb wrote on 2/12/2012, 9:49 AM

 Hey Brian,

That cat is swingin' some sweet rhyme! I didn't know Magix had samples like these. Excellent composition. The "music running in my vein" vox sounds like you.

-All the Best,Teddy

Former user wrote on 2/12/2012, 10:25 AM

>Alles überaus vernünftig | DOLL  ___....  ist kraftvoll, der Druck im Klang ist super. WIRKLICH GUT()!


Cosmic_Paul wrote on 2/12/2012, 11:22 AM

Yes, ... you have the knowledge,.. and know how implement  a wonderfully song can be born.

LG Paul 

StoneFace wrote on 2/12/2012, 1:27 PM

these are the things that dreams awake ....

Hi Brian ... not even sung .... is still something for my old eavesdropper....
because you can turn up the volume ... The sound is great.

best regards


Former user wrote on 2/12/2012, 1:58 PM

Ja hallo!

Ich mag die Bäße. Auch ohne Deine Stimme ein starkes Stück! Dezente Backings und Gits.Gefällt mir.

Bis zum nächsten Song,Uwe


Former user wrote on 2/13/2012, 12:33 AM

Hey Ziggi...........

95% Magix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100% Geil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super geiler Song,was ich zu erst erwartet hatte,als ich Deinen Namen am Cover sah ; geil Ziggi mit der geilen Stimme!!!!! Schade diesmal nicht aber ich hoffe doch,das Du uns die Stimme von Dir nicht länger vorenthälst !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hab da immer noch "Nadine" im Ohr wenn ich an Ziggi denke und Deine verblüffende Stimme von Great Big Sea !!!!!!!!!

Unverkennbar,hast hier einen tollen Job gemacht der Song gefällt mir sehr 5*ne+FAV


Guitarjams wrote on 2/13/2012, 2:08 AM

Sounds great!

Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 2/13/2012, 10:38 AM

Fantastic as all your songs.

I like the bass & the drums,.....and the git is perfect.

Great mastering my friend.


Frantzi wrote on 2/13/2012, 4:49 PM

Sehr gut gewordener "Fuss-Wipper" mit sehr dezentem Background-Chor und sehr guten Gitarren...
schöner Aufbau und bestes Mastering....

ArtistW wrote on 2/14/2012, 7:37 PM

A fun production, love it

Pyrex wrote on 2/15/2012, 12:01 PM


jorual wrote on 2/17/2012, 9:41 AM

Hi Brian,

Great Job, another way of make music. You can it do.

Regards Jorual.

Former user wrote on 2/18/2012, 8:29 PM

Hi my creative friend, how`s you and the special youg lady in your full and interesting life doing :O)

Through my veins... Well built track here, nice overall production as would be expected from your good self across the many years I have followed your progress with mucho envy :O)

Vocals have been used as they where intended and work welI me thinks. Nothing special from your stable this time around , but that`s fully down to Magix for sure. Ian

* I am getting married in March of this year after 32 years together, how mad it that?

The reason is, my ongoing bad health and I`m trying to make sure she gets as much money"s as possible.

Stay cool my friend. Love and Peace to you both

Former user wrote on 2/27/2012, 6:55 AM

Hello Brian ....

Unusual to you, but why not .... it helps to "wash" the head, for better recovery.
I hope you are well.

Soundschill wrote on 3/29/2012, 3:59 AM

Echt super Genre Zusammenschnitt mit Teilen aus Rapmusic und Rockmusick.
Du bist eben in der Musik zu hause!


Really really genre Splicing with parts from Rapmusic and Rockmusick.
You are level in the music to lives!


Huck wrote on 6/30/2012, 6:50 AM


Klasse Rock-Sound!!!!

Klasse anzuhören!!!!

Gruß Huck!