Thoughts Amassing

SpriteBat wrote on 11/16/2011, 3:25 PM

All original. All lyrics and vocals by me. This is not part of my concept album. It's actually part of a progressive rock album I have been working on lately. Ironically, this will be the last song on the album, though it is the first song I started and the first song I finished.

I started this about 3 months ago, and I have been working on it periodically. I think it was probably the most work I have ever put into a song, both musically and lyrically. Because of all the vocals, it was very difficult to mix, so please excuse all the imperfections. I realized that there might be too much bass, but it would take so long to fix. Sorry. Anyway, here are the lyrics:


There I was thinking I had something special
Later on I would learn otherwise
I was too young to see the bigger picture
Even though I set my goals so high
Now and then there would be these revelations
Something great would present itself to me
And it became so clear that I never had a chance
to compete, but was this all I'd ever be?

No! That won't suffice

But the problem remained year after year
As I walked on the only path I knew
Disappointment would inevitably follow
And those feelings of despair only grew
Intensified by the need to thrive
The need to show that I've arrived
Yet still I'm reminded that the journey
is far from over...

No shortcuts exist

Am I merely reaching for something that's too far away?
Hoping to find a place found only by those born with more luck...
Is this just a matter of perseverance, or is it
foolish for me to make any attempt whatsoever?

My efforts are mocked
By secrets still locked
in vaults, where they talk and make fun
Creations so fine
Uniquely divine
But none of them mine, not one

Can I win these battles against forces within my own
conscience? Can I stop all this gnawing and clawing at my mind?
Questions come rushing in and flooding the surface of my
intellect, obstructing all capabilities I possess.

My efforts are mocked
By secrets still locked
in vaults, where they talk and make fun
Creations so fine
Uniquely divine
But none of them mine, not one
Not a single one of these perfections is mine

But at least I'll always have...
A destiny to chase
A future to embrace
A past to leave behind
A goal to keep in mind
I'll travel any length
Accumulating strength
and savoring the time
before things so sublime

Attacks so vicious almost break me
Also make me more ambitious

All this time is passing, passing
All these thoughts are slowly amassing
Creeping up like waves on beaches
Look how high the water reaches

But everything changes...

Surely I'll change too
Surely I'll improve
Prove my own worth
in my own rebirth

All the targets I've missed
fill an endless abyss
but my soul is so pure
I discovered a cure for this
Blistering pain
All my demons are slain
and tomorrow will bring
so many new things to obtain
When I find my own way
on that glorious day
when I let the anthems sound
will the echoes resound or decay?


The lyrics are about my journey to become a better artist, and all the positive and negative thoughts. There is a feeling of depression and inferiority, but also optimism.

I found the picture on google. It looked like it fit with the lyrics (waves of thoughts).

Thanks for listening! I really appreciate your time, and I would love to hear your most honest opinions.


Sect.23 wrote on 11/16/2011, 5:12 PM

WoW!! All original!?!?!?  U got some MAJOR talent, my freind!

The lyrics/singing is great, and no, I do not think there is too much bass....but then again, as you likes bass!  Good variations, too.

I am curious to know where on the album this will be already...I can't do that until all songs are done :p

The negative thoughts , for me anyways, are part of discovery and learning about my own concepts, etc....and they make the positive ones stand out even more.

Great work, Spritebat!  A piece to truly be proud of...!  :)



Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 11/16/2011, 5:33 PM

F A N T A S T I C   P R O G !!! a great job very well done !!!! five and fav !! CIAO DA SANDRO

Last changed by Sandro_Glavina_Channel on 11/16/2011, 5:33 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Former user wrote on 11/17/2011, 12:13 PM


excellent work with a touch of synphonic Rock of th70/80`s.Very well.

Former user wrote on 11/17/2011, 1:45 PM

very good music friend


samp wrote on 11/18/2011, 10:37 AM

A very finely woven track - in your unique way.... very good!

I admire your work - I slowly get an idea how difficult this combination of singing and playing
might get....4:26 .... lovely harmonies!!!!!

Love it!

LG samp

nihon94 wrote on 11/18/2011, 12:23 PM

Cover photo is great,

Music and song are superb.

Audio recording is very good.

I like the song,




datamix wrote on 11/18/2011, 3:07 PM

Hello!!!!! your work is really good, full of passages of good taste, a symphonic work, the voice is very well adapted and i love lyrical
!!!! a great progressive!!piece of music
I congratulate you, I loved it definiately what you've done


All the best

Guitorb wrote on 11/18/2011, 5:37 PM

 Honest opinions ? I think that you have a solid musical foundation.  Much more confidence than you would care to admit. And mad skillz on the beatbox and synth.

 "My efforts are mocked
By secrets still locked
in vaults, where they talk and make fun
Creations so fine
Uniquely divine
But none of them mine, not one
Not a single one of these perfections is mine"


SpriteBat wrote on 11/18/2011, 8:20 PM

 Thanks to everyone for the nice comments!

There is one more thing I should mention. The melody of the last vocal section (all the targets...) is a recurring theme that goes back to a couple of my very old songs. It was first heard in "All I Care About", and again at the end of "Settle the Score". This time, the rhythm is different, but it is still basically the same melody (although it comes through vocals for the first time).

I just thought that was kind of interesting.

Huck wrote on 11/19/2011, 1:53 AM


Klasse anzuhören deine Musik!!!!!

Gruß Huck!

samp wrote on 11/19/2011, 3:18 AM

Had to come back... now I take it with me... to listen to again and again... and the lyrics...
they need time to get known.... and I really like what comes through from "down under"....

LG samp

Former user wrote on 11/19/2011, 7:04 AM

Very Excellent work of music rock prog ..with great variety of tyles..
from your friend
Antonio Fiorillo

ArtistW wrote on 11/19/2011, 7:14 AM

Quite a text I am sure we all recognize some/most of it. The main thing is : don't let other people destine how you have to feel, you can only do your best (I know is not always possible). Love the song (especially the last 2 minutes of it) a fat 5*

Former user wrote on 11/19/2011, 9:21 AM

Ca sonne super bien !!!! *****



FranX wrote on 11/19/2011, 5:10 PM

The Lyrics deserve 5* for sure. The vocals are not very clear (needs better mixing). The theme is not quite my taste. All in all an intersting pice of music.

jorual wrote on 11/20/2011, 7:07 AM


Exceptional Track with a lot of musical genres, voice is very well fixed, congratulations.

Regards Jorual

DJrox wrote on 11/20/2011, 12:41 PM

Good evening SpriteBat..

Samp send this song of yours to me and I'm thanking him because now I know your've mixed different styles all together and the result is very very good.

BRAVO, 5*.

Ciao, Ross.

Last changed by DJrox on 11/20/2011, 12:41 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Compongo musica ispiratami da semplici intuizioni, spesso corredata dal supporto vocale mio o di mia moglie Daniela, a seconda dei generi musicali, visto che spazio dal techno trance, alla disco, alle colonne sonore, all'easy listening, etc.

Grazie a tutti coloro che vorranno ascoltarmi.


smartsmurf wrote on 11/21/2011, 3:44 AM

Even though not at all my kind of music and/or lyrical topic... great work with a slight lack of professional mastering... but we are not professionals... so it's just fine.

Former user wrote on 11/21/2011, 11:43 AM

As in the words of Michael below, we are all here of non-professional music, but occasionally we find here, of surprising musical moments.
This is true of your track. Many good things, noble ideas and very personal.
The mix is not perfect (mainly voice level) but I think you will get, a good track, by reworking ....

jorgejerzy wrote on 11/23/2011, 12:33 AM

Eine sehr gute Arbeit.

Für mich ein echter Soundtrack.

Gefällt mir.



Jokerface wrote on 11/26/2011, 12:58 AM


also wenn das nicht wunderschöne Musik ist. Einfach lieblich anzuhören. Dein Gesang, so unaufdringlich, bescheiden und doch sehr eindrucksvoll und schön.

Klasse gemacht.



Beamish-Spartano wrote on 12/2/2011, 3:42 AM

Sehr schöne Musik und Gesang, eine von deine Besten Musik, das Master der Musik ist Klasse, Herzlichen Gruß Spartano! 5*

Last changed by Beamish-Spartano on 12/2/2011, 3:42 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

mohnysh wrote on 12/6/2011, 11:13 PM

your really awsome u know what is music i dont like to tell abt your music because last 1 year i m seeing your best music im very happy and you have awsome taste , your tallented and 5*****

Former user wrote on 12/19/2011, 12:45 AM

great job man