This is the first version I did of this song. It has different instrumentation and a quicker tempo. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you might have in regards to your preference. Danke!
okay, not bad, realy not bad . I like the piano phrases, very nice! The instrumentaion is good too, maybe an upright bass would round it up and a brushed drum pattern would bring the track into a smoky jazz club. But, regarding the tempo, I think it's too much in a hurry. Try to play it with a metronom or drum machine in your ear...
This is sweet!. The raw piano lines with guitar accents lets me think of an after hours club session when every one has gone home but there are a few hangers on that won't let go and want the band, what's left of them, to play on.
Great keyboard work and a super ambience feeeling of closing a club.