Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 1/3/2021, 5:34 PM
Tags: Jazz, Other, Chill out, Ambient, Soul

SATORI. Zen Buddhist word for 'enlightenment'. Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2021. ENJOY. God bless!~~~Clay Brian Wilson8-)


Paulo.Costa wrote on 1/3/2021, 5:40 PM

Very Firm cool Músic hugs My Friend Clain.... 1.000 Suns is Music 😀😀👍🏻

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 1/3/2021, 5:57 PM

Thank you very much for listening and your kind words, APMC! All the very best to you in 2021, Brother. Cheers, Clay8-)

Inti wrote on 1/3/2021, 6:48 PM

Hallo Clay,

very beautiful music.
Slow increase with soft transitions.
good work. 💯👋👍👌

LG Thomas

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 1/3/2021, 7:00 PM

Hello Inti, Thank you very much for listening and your kindness! I really appreciate it, and a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2021 to you and your music. Cheers, Clay8-)

Paulo.Costa wrote on 1/3/2021, 7:54 PM

HAPPY new Year my Friend Clain

F.R.H. wrote on 1/4/2021, 12:28 AM

Wery nice made - and a nice flute and synth... like to listen!!!!

franco-galateo wrote on 1/4/2021, 3:22 AM

idea compositional good.. interesting sound


MG4 wrote on 1/4/2021, 3:42 AM

nice Music , sanft und Freudenklänge .... Gruß Andreas ( MG4

Siggi-M wrote on 1/4/2021, 5:23 AM

Hi Clay,your song sounds like joy and hope.Really beautifully done. I hope for spring 🌼😃

LG,Siggi ....

Jochen-S wrote on 1/4/2021, 6:33 AM

Hi Clay,
nice musical chill-out from you👍👌👍... Well done and glad to hear🙌...
Greetings Jochen and stay healthy...🙏

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 1/4/2021, 6:59 PM

Thank you all very much for your very nice reviews! Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2021, and more great music. God bless, Clay8-)

Former user wrote on 1/6/2021, 8:23 PM

Ein sehr schöner Track. Gefällt mir sehr gut und gern gehört.

LG, Gerd

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 1/7/2021, 5:27 PM

Thank you very much, SilverFuchs for listening and your review, Brother. God bless, Clay8-)

musicMD wrote on 1/25/2021, 12:42 AM

Real cool chill out tune. Lovely flute with a magical sound to this music. It's a great piece of music, and I love the percussion in this too. Very nice ......

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 1/25/2021, 5:51 PM

Thank you very much, Mike, for listening and your kind words about Satori, Brother! I hope you and your wife are doing well, and I hope to hear new music from you again, my good friend! I always appreciate your support and encouragement. Magix is very fortunate and lucky to have you, man. God bless you and your musical talent, Clay8-)