
Former user wrote on 3/31/2013, 6:39 PM

Hi djroar!

This is a wonderful film music from you! The cover came to me naturally immediately known! :-) Fits great, to your music! I have indeed almost an album in it, the name "The Knight"! And your music would just go with it! :-) Bravo, very soulful and harmonious!

Many greetings to you


danne wrote on 4/1/2013, 1:05 AM

Guten Morgen

Sehr schöner und ruhiger Soundtrack. Die Instrumente finde ich sehr gut gewählt und geben den Track eine sehr angenehme Atmsphäre.

Besten Gruß, Daniel

Former user wrote on 4/1/2013, 2:41 AM

gelungen nicht nur der Anfang auch fein die Szeigerung um die 2:00 .....

schönes Thema...eines meiner Lieblingsfilme,aber irgend etwas fehlt mir hier.....

Das i-Tüpfelchen.....der gewisse "Ausbruch " .....

ansonsten sehr gern gehört.....

LG stefan

Former user wrote on 4/1/2013, 2:52 AM

Très belle musique et relaxante = très bonne ensemble !         == 5*

Former user wrote on 4/1/2013, 3:23 AM

relaxing sounds, very good.

Jürgen (jhantares)

Skorpion62 wrote on 4/1/2013, 4:17 AM

sehr schöne Arbeit

mir gefällt dein Soundtrack

liebe Grüße

skorpiON 62

Former user wrote on 4/1/2013, 5:12 AM


Soundtrack engaging and extremely well done.
It would be really good on film you mentioned.



Former user wrote on 4/1/2013, 2:48 PM

well composition and exellent sound. tipical music for movie

very very good choirs.

great work


Leomax wrote on 4/1/2013, 2:59 PM


very nice music

Former user wrote on 4/1/2013, 3:21 PM



Picnicboy wrote on 4/1/2013, 5:31 PM


Jooooo.... sounds a bit like MAster of the Rings!

Nice done!


Former user wrote on 4/2/2013, 7:36 AM

I would go see the movie, I think, if I heard this music first.

Nice job.



Huck wrote on 4/2/2013, 8:37 AM


Für mich ein schöner Soundtrack!!!!

Finde ich gut gemacht!!

Gruß Huck!

VisionART wrote on 4/2/2013, 9:57 AM

Great work, honey.

the high level since 2.44 ist sometimes too much, but only for greenears, smile...

It could be a storry for hours, with highest and deepest symbols, wow.

Please more of your ART, 7*

thanks, Sue


Farstom wrote on 4/2/2013, 11:57 AM

very nice mead

nice sounds

i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 4/2/2013, 11:57 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Former user wrote on 4/2/2013, 2:11 PM

I think that is a good soundtraks for adventure film ..excellent mix !!
with friendship
Antonio Fiorillo

Maboe wrote on 4/2/2013, 2:30 PM

Yes, it fits very well to that film - wonderful arrangement and great mix!


Former user wrote on 4/3/2013, 6:05 AM

Sehr schöner Soundtrack .... TOP ...

Gruß Oktave

Former user wrote on 4/6/2013, 9:05 AM

Even as I write this djroar, I'm sitting on a commuter train heading towards Long Island with a few of my fellow passengers looking over my shoulders.  They are all giving you the thumbs up.  Wonderful composition sir.

Former user wrote on 4/14/2013, 5:11 AM

Top Track. I Like it very much.

lg Serge

Tuneltek wrote on 4/14/2013, 7:43 AM

Il y a meme les Elfes à la fin.

Belle Musique.