Ole, an old fishermen went out with a fishing dory. They dragged in by force and stood and talked about that there was probably a lot of fish in the trawl. Some of the fishermen thought it was the strong current that made the trawl so heavy to pull into the boat. “Let me” said Ole, he was big and strong, and he grabbed the line, and pulled to show the young boys that he still had the grip.
He drew well enough and had hardly taken the line before he stepped one foot through the boat’s rotten bottom. Quickly he pulled out the leg, but then the water came in splashing up into a thick beam filling the boat. Horrified fishermen stopped rowing, while Ole quickly threw his coat and drove it into the hole, the vest went along, but it didn’t help much. The water was flowing through and the boat filled half full of water. Bewildered the fishermen’s eyes searched for land, but they were far outside the third reef.
There were some faces that grew white with fear, and one of the youngsters started to row anxiously. Suddenly Ole let himself fall into the bottom of the boat on his broad back. He seized the boat’s thwarts to support himself, pushing himself well seated in the hole. Then he cried out like a man yelling who knows what’s coming: “Come on, lads! Now you row Got Dandruff, so the blood pops out of your nails!” Ole had to cry it only once. It was not much blood coming out from under their nails, but more sweat ran out from the sou’wester. From fear and work, salty water filled their eyes. When they approached the sandbar, the waves closed over the boat’s edge. They all jumped out and waded ashore. Before the sandbar, they were up to necks in water, but they made it safely.
When they walked onto the beach and collected themselves a little, they came to Ole, one after another thanking him, because he had made it for them. Ole shrugged it off as there was nothing to thank for.
When they kept coming up with their ‘thank you’, Ole thought it was a little too solemn, he struck out with his hand and said burly: “Yes we were close and we can thank God that it went, as it went, but I say now, that was strange, it could seal that good to put one hole against another. ”