The Family

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 2/25/2023, 11:41 AM
Tags: Folk music, Other

Folks here's a new version of this song. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks in advance for any and all reviews! God bless, Clay Brian Wilson 8-) P.S. The great Maynard James made a great contribution to this song!

Lyric & Music/Clay Brian Wilson

Verse: People never stop to think about THE FAMILY
What does it mean?
It’s the foundation
Or the alienation of their lives.
THE FAMILY that cares together
Share together.
If disapproval is deep
It can be a source of love to keep.

Verse: People never stop to love enough THE FAMILY
What it can mean.
It’s the foundation
Or the degradation of their lives.
THE FAMILY that hopes together
Cope together.
If troubles darken the soul
It can be a source of love for growth. Oh yeah.

Tag: Learn to love THE FAMILY
And may the dreams of today
Be visions of tomorrow.
Oh yes, oh yeah.

Coda: Oh, oh, oh, oh.

© 1981, 2022 Clay Brian Wilson
All rights reserved




Kryo wrote on 2/25/2023, 12:10 PM



Bradford-Alan-Davidson wrote on 2/25/2023, 12:21 PM

Learn to love the family. Family is where it all starts and all ends. Just as God intended. I remember the name Maynard James from Acid Planet but I have forgotten his stage name. I do remember he was very talented as are you, my friend. Enjoyed this very much and as always it's good to hear from you. Keep the Faith; the best is yet to come. God said be it. And keep producing great music like this. We tip our hats in respect.


Jochen-S wrote on 2/25/2023, 12:35 PM

Hi Clay, just wonderful 👍🎤👍 ...
Best regards

Siggi-M wrote on 2/25/2023, 5:00 PM

A beautiful song, Clay. But that only works in healthy families. 😃...👍👌🎸🎤.


Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 2/25/2023, 9:54 PM

I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your kind words about The Family! May God bless all of you! Clay Brian Wilson 8-)

franco-galateo wrote on 2/26/2023, 2:51 AM

good performance..very well


Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 2/26/2023, 3:55 AM

Thank you, Franco! God bless you, Clay 8-)

Semelles-de-Vent wrote on 2/26/2023, 4:10 AM

Magnifique folksong, : avec une harmonie des voix et une guitare merveilleuses et subtiles!!!!💯💯💯💯😄🎤🎤🎤🎧🎼🎹

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 2/26/2023, 5:00 PM

Semelles-de-Vent, Thank you very much for your very kind words about The Family, and best wishes with your music! God bless you, Clay 8-)

ITCHYPHOX wrote on 3/11/2023, 12:45 PM

Yes indeed Clay, there's nothing more important than family. I have 4 brothers, 1 of which I only met for the first time last year so life is a trip for sure man. Ah Maynard James the man, the myth, the AP legend is part of the furniture in your productions yes no doubt the guy brings a distinct flavour & is always a pleasure to listen too. Bravo Fellas 🙂✌️

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 3/11/2023, 6:18 PM

Thank you, Adam and I know Maynard James appreciates it as well, brother. Yes, family means a lot. Cheers, mate! Your Friend and Fan Always, Clay 8-)



musicMD wrote on 11/24/2023, 9:05 PM

Cool tune and vocals. It has a wonderful sound to it. Another great display of you and Maynard's fine talent...

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 12/14/2023, 7:21 PM

Indeed Maynard James is great, and thank you very much for taking the time to listen to all these tunes and your kindness, Mike! You are a godsend, man! Cheers, Clay :-)