The Elephant in the Room

Nickillus wrote on 2/22/2015, 8:16 AM

Another piano led wander about in the matrix editor of Music Maker Premium 2015.  Had all sorts of fun trying the get the track volumes to balance and gave up after the umpteenth go.  Obviously yet another area I have to work at.  So just everything really.  Thanks for listening, if you do.


Former user wrote on 2/22/2015, 1:00 PM

Hi! Nickillus. Bei uns würde es heißen ... da steht ein Pferd auf dem Flur ... wäre auch so ähnlich, wie man sich diesen Elefanten hätte vorstellen können

LG / aces-e37

Former user wrote on 2/23/2015, 6:55 AM

I do not know if you yourself will be realized, or they were conscious, but I would say that this is good contemporary classical music.
I really appreciated this your work
personality and courage in making this kind of music


guentersiegert wrote on 2/25/2015, 1:24 AM

What makes the elephant in the room? It keeps quiet because it is listening to the wonderful music!