Samples, and Midi huh? I'm beginning to question this. Man! sounds incredible to me. But I don't understand how to use midi yet. So I'll just except it as a work of genius. Enjoyed it!
Wow a greatful Track with nice Ideas.
This Track can i enjoy.
The Cover is exatly right for this Song.
A absolutely Supertrack. I think you have one Fan more.
Das Stück ist ja der Oberhammer!!!!
Habe es mir gerade über die 5.1 Anlage angehört.
Ich glaube,wenn ich den Kopfhörer aufgelassen
hätte,wären mir die Ohren weggeflogen!
viiele Grüße Klaus!
I've just heard your Track on 5th1 Audio Speakers
with headphones would be my ears fallen down
this Track is very cool!!!
Former user
wrote on 6/28/2009, 7:22 AM
Salut Brian ....
A fantastic music, to put the fire .... Yet here it is 32 °C .... .... but not as hot as this excellent track ....
Love it. It is very good as it is, but don't you have someone in the closet (Robert Plant or so) with a high voice who can shout (cry) a text (song) on top of it?
P.S. Do not get me wrong, your singing is oke but I think someone like Robert Plant is better in this case.