
Cosmozentriker wrote on 1/20/2013, 7:23 AM

... I love it!  ......... That's  Crazy  fun! 


LG Paul 

born67 wrote on 1/20/2013, 10:23 AM

just superb..!!!!!!!

smartsmurf wrote on 1/20/2013, 11:20 AM

Quite interesting mixture of space horror soundtrack and metal... and even though this music genre may not be my favourite one... I just love the result of my research... back into times where science fiction was both funny and taking a closer look at society...


...but the astounding she-monster is no more feared... than beasts of our own underworld...

SpriteBat wrote on 1/20/2013, 3:44 PM

 Awesome! Maybe it's just me, but I hear a bit of a Muse vibe.

On second thought, it totally reminds me of this Aquabats song:

Don't take that the wrong way. I'm not saying it's similar to that song at all. Sometimes my mind just works in strange ways. :)

Cosmozentriker wrote on 1/22/2013, 1:00 PM

... it's me again! 


MW73 wrote on 1/23/2013, 2:47 PM

*  *  *  *  *


jorual wrote on 2/9/2013, 6:40 AM

Hi Ted,

 Amazing track, guitarplay is very cool, she tells a terryfying story.

I like these sounds.

Greetings Jorual