Telstar Lounge (Theremin)

Guitorb wrote on 4/2/2014, 7:00 PM
Title: Telstar Lounge (Theremin)
Artists: Teddy Graham

 Let it not be said that Teddy Graham doesn't do requests. This for you , SpriteBat. This version is from 2012.

-All the Best,Teddy


SpriteBat wrote on 4/2/2014, 7:22 PM

Haha, thanks, I love it!

2012...Is there a chance I heard it back then, or was it never uploaded? I think I probably would have remembered. Well, either way, this version is awesome.

Spartano wrote on 4/3/2014, 2:27 AM

Sehr schöne Musik, leider etwas Kurz, Lg, von Spartano.

Last changed by Spartano on 4/3/2014, 2:27 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


4exjohn wrote on 4/3/2014, 6:56 AM


Very nice.

Cheers John.

Leomax wrote on 4/3/2014, 12:21 PM

Sehr schöne Reggaemelodie, gut Arbeit!

LG Leomax

Piazzini wrote on 4/3/2014, 1:49 PM

very nice tune, absolutely thrilling interpreted.
Star Trek .... Style ....

a little bit short.

en liebe gruess vom


smartsmurf wrote on 4/3/2014, 3:11 PM

stuallan wrote on 4/4/2014, 11:10 AM

Very cool take on this 60's classic.

Loved it.



Former user wrote on 4/4/2014, 12:55 PM

hello my friend,
such a thing could listen to me for a long time me also.
thank you and love greetings to you.

beabea wrote on 4/7/2014, 4:19 PM


Former user wrote on 4/11/2014, 5:25 AM

Today I decided to do a long ride in the comunity, to listen to the works of new and old friends of the comunity, presented in various musical styles
an encouragement or a positive opinion towards their work can not do that please.
I listened carefully to tell you your job is just a word


Guitorb wrote on 4/11/2014, 5:52 PM

 Do you hear that Folks ! ? My job is just a word. And that word is.....wait for it.....drum roll.....and   it's ...GOOD! I guess that's better than Bad. 

  But now I wonder if your evaluation is tainted by how long your "ride" through the community was. As an example ; if I were close to the end of your,"ride" would ear fatigue play a roll in your evaluation of my "Job" ?

Something to think about...or not