
smartsmurf wrote on 3/5/2013, 12:26 PM

before you produce your 3rd techno track...

...please listen to techno music.

this is nothing... sorry.

smartsmurf wrote on 3/6/2013, 7:30 AM

so if this is not a techno song and you only named it after the samples you've used...

...what is it then ???

I have no problems with genre (for it doesn't matter for me... I listen to all kinds of music) but what I really miss here is some kind of structure... a theme... an order...

...just something that would turn this mess of samples into music.

Former user wrote on 3/6/2013, 5:46 PM

Hi dmac62

Please set the sound volume

point 1*

Just keep moving and maybe it will go well