Syntax Error at Line 10

nevthetech wrote on 3/23/2015, 8:54 AM
Width: 704
Height: 576
Duration: 03:48
Format: quicktime

I've spent many long laborious hours in front of a computer screen, coding, creating and learning. I've also spent countless hours pulling my hair out and shouting at the VDU. So, as ever, I decided to make some noise with that in mind. All of the album is on SoundCloud so don't forget to check it out.
Incidentally, this is the first (and probably the last) time my voice has ever been on one of my tracks. Highly modified but you can still tell it's me. Sort of.     The computer error messages are taken directly from the error alerts on my home system. OK, they were created by me then strong-armed into my system, so I just reused the old samples. Seems to work OK though, I think
The jazz theme comes from my wanting to show that although programming anything can be fun, it also has a frustratingly gloomy side to it too  My task then, was to come up with a melody and tune that portrayed that. Jazz, I felt, had the most to offer here :-P at least for me. So, that's it really...

Let me know what YOU think...