Summer, Spring and the Sting...

Rana wrote on 6/24/2011, 5:02 PM
Artists: RS Mahmood
Album: BioRhythm

Here is a seasonal present... the song is about some unforgettable experiences associated with the magic of the season and is pretty much self explanatory....

Composition - 100% Midi work. Vocal samples - Magix.

For best listening experience over the headphones, adjust the volume in the 80% to 90% range.

Technical Data:
BPM - 100 gradually dropped to 60 on the outro sequence.
Track Length - 6 Minutes 23 Seconds
Sample Rate - 48,000 with 320 kbps mp3 export.

VSTi, Instruments & Effects:
Bass - 4 front bass module. Effect - Equalizer.
Piano - Morphine. Effects - Reverb, Delay, Chorus & Equalizer.
Steel Guitar - Morphine. Effects - Reverb, Delay, Chorus, Equalizer, Pan and Glide.
Strings - Direct Wave. Effects - Reverb, Delay and Equalizer.
Arp - Albino. Effects - Limiter.
Lead - Slayer. Effects - Convolver, Chopan
Trumpet - Sinfet 36 Soundfont. Effects - none.
Power Chords - Slayer. Effects - Guitar Rig, Reverb, Equalizer and Note Panning.
Drums - Mididrums Soundfont and Utonic, Effects - Multiband Compressor, Reverb, Note Panning, Equalizer.
Vocals - Effects - Convolver, Stereo Shaper, P-Deelay, Parametric EQ.
Master Channel - Effect - Limiter.
Automation Envelopes -  11 on various instrument channels and effects.
Host Application - FL Studio 10

Free media downloads are available at for non commercial use.


Former user wrote on 6/24/2011, 5:18 PM

hi my friend

you' ve done a good job ...

nice atmosphere.

simply fine music

five point's

bye Zen.

Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 6/24/2011, 5:37 PM


Last changed by Sandro_Glavina_Channel on 6/24/2011, 5:37 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Pyrex wrote on 6/24/2011, 5:46 PM

Great job, Rana!

Undoubtly:-),.....your best song!

The "new" tempo on the singing-samples gives them a fresh note.

Great mix too, in the beginning i thought, that there are some wrong notes?

But `m not shure.....and also thanks to the informations how you`ve done it.

A very interesting piece of music....respect!  5*


Now I hear it again.....


papajeff wrote on 6/24/2011, 10:38 PM

Hi Rana, superb track, great arrangement and composing! Sorry, but i miss some more bass drive, it sounds me to softly.

All the rest of the instruments and the mixing of them is professionall.

Best regards, Jeff

thierrychoppin wrote on 6/25/2011, 3:42 AM

Hello Rana


Very nice music around Magix vocals.Great result.



Jinty wrote on 6/25/2011, 5:47 AM

Hi Rana,

Great track as always!!

All the best


Former user wrote on 6/25/2011, 8:53 AM

Wow gefält mir sehr gut.



ArtistW wrote on 6/25/2011, 9:41 AM

I believe in the possebilities of VST-MIDI but my computer makes working with it very frustrating (not enough RAM or so). You did a terrific job, love it

samp wrote on 6/25/2011, 10:28 AM

A wonderful song! The voice so special.... and the harmonies bent and twisted..
melancholic.. but a sweet experience...
And a LOT of VSTs.... wow......

I really like this one... it tells something about a secret....
LG samp

datamix wrote on 6/25/2011, 12:02 PM

Hey RAna , Its a great song and a wonderful atmosphere, the voice you've got me flying, 100% good
thanks for this gift, go to my fav
greetings from your friend

Former user wrote on 6/25/2011, 12:02 PM

Hello my friend,
I read Punk, as a heading?
a very nice, no, beautiful song.
love greetings to you

Former user wrote on 6/25/2011, 12:53 PM

muy buena cancion querido amigo



Former user wrote on 6/25/2011, 3:10 PM

Schon am Anfang höre ich leider Unstimmigkeiten. Die Stimme passt von der Tonhöhe her nicht zur Musik. Auf der Stimme hat es meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach zu viel Hall der zudem eine schlechte Qualität aufweist. Auch von den Instrumenten kommen ab und zu schiefe Töne. Finde ich komisch dass dies hier noch niemand erwähnt hat?!

Sehr gute Song-Idee mit Wiedererkennungswert. Super schöne Melodie und die Stimme an sich gefällt mir sehr gut.

Ein schöner Song der jedoch nochmals überarbeitet werden sollte. 4*


Already at the beginning, I unfortunately hear disagreements. The voice matches not
to he pitch of her  music. On the voice it has, in my humble opinion, too much reverb which has also a bad quality of hall. Also coming from the instruments from sounds and crooked. I find it funny that nobody has mentioned here yet?

Very good song idea with brand recognition. Super nice melody and the voice like about me is very good.

A beautiful song, however, should be revised again.

lg Martin

skiron wrote on 6/26/2011, 1:38 AM

Hi Rana,

I agree with Martin, there are something disharmonious. The Vocals and the guitar seems not to fit. Maybe its a stylistic device...(?) Another point is, I think the song would be better sound with some BPM more. Maybe 110 or 120 BPM.


I really like the basic of this song but there is something strange here ^^

jorual wrote on 6/26/2011, 3:37 AM

Hi Rana,

I hear nothing disharmonies, I love your enorm work in this song. Exzellent for me.

Greetings Jorual.

Former user wrote on 6/26/2011, 10:46 AM

It is not always easy to adapt, a voice, a text, on a musical, and here the experience is not very conclusive and I think some things could be improved.

I will not repeat what has already been written and with which I quite agree. However, I appreciate here, this attempt, and if I can give a Board, there are other choices on different sites for the voice,( lack of heat here) and that would be most appropriate probably, and with more passion .... This is only my humble opinion of course.

dilampercutshow wrote on 6/26/2011, 10:51 AM

super travail, chanson mélancolique très bien orchestrée*****

Raymanix wrote on 6/26/2011, 12:52 PM

Bravo très belle interprétation avec une superbe orchestration. 

smartsmurf wrote on 6/26/2011, 6:25 PM

I'm not expert enough to repeat the things that have already been pointed out...



Your song is very special... creates a somehow mysterious atmosphere.

Former user wrote on 6/27/2011, 6:40 AM

Un vero fiume di emozioni. Un brano che avvolge la mente per viaggiare dolcemente. La voce molto bella viene resa ancora più preziosa dalla melodia che la sostiene e regala sensazioni straordinarie. Un sogno celeste e raro. Grazie.   A true river of emotions. A passage that winds the mind to softly travel. The very beautiful voice is made even more precious from the melody that it sustains her/it and it gives extraordinary feelings. A celestial and rare dream. Thanks

jos31620 wrote on 6/27/2011, 10:42 AM

tres jolie musique bravo

amical jos

TommyG wrote on 6/28/2011, 3:34 AM



this is a very nice song.  But there are some strange things. the Lead voice and Choir are very detuned, and the e-guitar too. A good way to correct this is to pitch the samples in the MuMa via function "Pitchshift/Timestretch" ---> right mouse-click on the samples.

Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 6/29/2011, 3:35 PM

The idea is superb.......... the melody is beautiful,.......... but this mastering doesn't fit so completely.
Sorry my friend,........that`s my resulution.


B59fly wrote on 6/30/2011, 7:12 AM

Wieder einmal etwas sehr spezielles von dir. Super !!!!

Grüessli Brigitte