
Former user wrote on 8/14/2013, 5:52 PM

great track.,

i like this and its far  better from what i can do.




alexisaubin2010 wrote on 8/14/2013, 8:25 PM

j adore 5 etole

Last changed by alexisaubin2010 on 8/14/2013, 8:25 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

slt a toutes et a tous je me presente moi c alexis grand fanatique de musique et de chant vous pourrais trouver sur ma page toute mes compos perso et mes enregistrements studio en esperant que cela vous plairas

 qu il soit positif ou negatifs n'hesitez pas a me laisserr vos commentaire 

il n'y a rien de mieu pour s'ameliorer surtout dans ce millieu

en esperant vous faire passer d'agreable moment musical


je vous souhaite une bonne visite sur ma page


cordialement et musicalement 



tgfmusica wrote on 8/15/2013, 2:49 AM

Bellissima traccia, con la giusta vena di tristezza per l'estate vhe va via, complimenti, 5* da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

Former user wrote on 8/15/2013, 3:28 AM

Very relaxing ......  and original !!     = 5*


Former user wrote on 8/15/2013, 5:21 AM

Hi DJ:

Yes Indeed, the Summer Is Almost Over!  But, here is the GOOD news, it will RETURN next season!

This is a very 'lyrical' piece; further emphasized by that 'plucky' guitar and those angelic, chorus voices.  A very appropriate ending to what has been a spectacular summer run. 

May you live yet another thousand summers my friend...


danne wrote on 8/15/2013, 8:02 AM

Leider neigt sich auch der Sommerin Deutschland dem Ende zu. Lässt mich doch ein wenig wehmütig werden. Der Song ist sehr vielseitig. So wie es sich auch für ein guten Soundtrack gehört. 

Denmach habe ich hier auch nichts entgegenzusetzen.

Besten Gruß, Daniel

Leomax wrote on 8/15/2013, 8:17 AM

Sehr schöner Soundtrack, gute Arbeit.

Gerne gehört  



Former user wrote on 8/15/2013, 12:32 PM

Ich denke mal, dass der Sommer uns reichlich Kraft gespendet hat, bevor wir die kalten Tage und Nächte überstehen werden müssen –ist nun einmal der Kreislauf der Dinge –Gezeiten drehen sich irgendwoe immer im Kreis –also, keine Sorge, dass wir ihn nicht wieder bekommen… . – , !!


Maboe wrote on 8/15/2013, 1:21 PM

Every season has got its advantages - Let's look forward to autumn!

This is a very good track for your topic. Bravo!


Farstom wrote on 8/15/2013, 1:52 PM

honestly, I do not get it warm. everything in it. and full
and no line or I can not hold it lang .

Last changed by Farstom on 8/15/2013, 1:52 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Former user wrote on 8/16/2013, 5:51 AM

schöne Ambient Musik ... Bravo ...

Gruß Andreas

Former user wrote on 8/16/2013, 7:48 AM

wirklich gutes stuck,harmonie und instrumente gute Wahl mit grussen muzika1

peterjirka40 wrote on 8/16/2013, 12:07 PM

Very nice Track and very good Sound ,

I like it .

Former user wrote on 8/18/2013, 3:13 AM

That's music we like to hear, great.


tingel wrote on 8/22/2013, 2:43 PM

You'll still feel a lot of summer ... in this music ... where is the movie that? AH header cinema ... like this ... greetings Andi

Picnicboy wrote on 8/23/2013, 5:20 PM


Where are you, that for you Summer is over?!?!?!

Here it´s still Summer.

Nice little Ambient!

But the Guitar has some wrong Tones!


Former user wrote on 8/24/2013, 8:22 AM

nice, very well.

beautiful sound , and exellent track


Former user wrote on 8/29/2013, 2:55 AM

Hallo Djroar,



Skorpion62 wrote on 12/22/2013, 5:07 PM

gut gemacht