
Roxall wrote on 5/16/2015, 5:07 PM
Title: Stomp
Artists: Breed 2.0
Album: Breed 2.0

The 9th track of my homemade album is an epic triumphant heavy metal celebration of life and freedom. This song was written about 20yrs ago by my old band mates, The verse lyrics were different back then and thus the mood was darker and gloomier.. But 20yrs later my inspiration is different, The song took a more positive direction and I am proud of this track. 

Thanks for listening.

"Come with me, On a journey"


Spartano wrote on 5/17/2015, 10:05 AM

Klasse Metall Musik mit ein Klasse Intro und Gitarrenspiel,

Der Gesang ist Perfekt,

Lg, von Spartano! Fav.

Last changed by Spartano on 5/17/2015, 10:05 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Former user wrote on 5/20/2015, 5:28 AM

trace of epic rock really well structured.
I would say very good rhythm and guitar riff exaggerated.
I would say that this song is great and I insert one of my favorites
very good


Former user wrote on 7/26/2015, 7:28 AM

Heeey,This is a good work..... Es un buen trabajo,grandes ideas aqui,me gusto mucho de escuchar,bravo amigo,suena bastante bien...Ozzy ,Sabat,en linea,me gusto,quizas otro ritmo de percusion en algun trozo ,pero es muy bueno asi

HellRaiser wrote on 9/1/2015, 8:05 AM

Wow - a powerful metal song! Good composition, good sound, I like it so much!