SoundSchills-Thunderstruck Soundschill wrote on 3/24/2019, 5:44 AM 3 260 Tags: Metal, Rock'n'Roll, Other, Rock Mit Gesang wäre der Titel natürlich besser, dazu habe ich aber leider kein Talent. Also bleibt es bei der Instrumentalen Coverversion. Back to post
Comments Revival wrote on 3/24/2019, 6:34 AM Accurat gecovert! Klingt roh, geil und vintage genug. Hervorragend (als Instrumental). Jetzt wird nur noch eine entsprechende Rockröhre gesucht... 😲 Jochen-S wrote on 3/24/2019, 7:31 AM Spitze...👋👋👋👋 Sehr stark gemacht.... TOP Gitarrensound.👍👍👍👍👍 Gruß Jochen DJ_Wash-8aer. wrote on 3/24/2019, 9:09 AM Einer meiner Lieblingstracks von den australischen "Elektrikern", mega gut gecovert!!! LGRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! WASH 🖖🐼 franco-galateo wrote on 3/26/2019, 12:01 PM sound interesting.. track of the good quality . i appreciate this song Franco MW73 wrote on 3/28/2019, 11:40 AM Der Oberhammer 🎸🥁🔊 Maboe wrote on 3/30/2019, 9:45 AM 👍 VeckStarling_aka_RoyAlanis wrote on 5/14/2019, 8:05 PM Excellent cover! Now I have to bust out the rest of the album. The great thing about this platform is that you should be able to find someone to collaborate with to fill in the vocals if you are inclined to do so. Long live rock! francis-b30 wrote on 5/20/2019, 3:52 AM Bonjour mon ami, je vois que le rock est toujours la "Super" de la part d'un vieux Rocker 1