I have missed your non-smiling face! I see that you have added more of your face to your picture and have kept the flag of Sweden. Good for you
Now, about your song....How in the world did you get your SOUND so good! What an amazing transformation!!! This is a wonderful piece of music and I am very impressed! Not that your previous songs were not good in their own right but this song is in a totally different world, Ballabar. I should think, however that "Easy Listening" would not exactly fit but there is not much to choose from on here as far as categories. And who cares what the category is as long as the music is good. And this is very good.
Way to go, my Swedish friend
From your 1/4 Swedish Trish
Former user
wrote on 5/7/2015, 7:12 AM
Hi Mr. B:
Hope all is well, my good friend.
Great stuff! Drums sound clean and creative. As Trish says, it really does not matter what category this song fits into; it's interesting and enjoyable.
Former user
wrote on 5/7/2015, 9:26 AM
the song seems good quality, a base sountrack, fusion with other styles.
instrumental ensemble varied, arches. wind instruments, piano etc.
Great idea, if it's an experiment I would say that was very successful
WOW!! nytt foto. Jag är glad att du har återvänt med nya idéer
Jag gillar din nya arbete. Bra musik.
Former user
wrote on 5/7/2015, 12:04 PM
Hi Ballabarr, this is a great idea, very original song that I' liked a lot, and then you are the most 'great expert on drums throughout the community.
Bravo, great applause.
Fantastic ! Great experiment in a class of it's own. Great creativity on your part. Of course the drums are spectacular but then again, so is everything else.
Encore moi pour la dernière fois pour ce soir tout du moins
Super aussi cette composition qui pourait très bien être la musique d'un film.
joli mélange encore une fois, c'est toujours original, super bien mixé, on sent que le batteur est aux commandes de ses baguettes,
j'aime bien la mélodie au piano, ainsi que l'accompagnement aux violons en arrière plan et toutes les subtilités d'écriture, par moment on entend de très bons cuivres aussi, quelques effets.
Vraiment bravo ! mon ami, c'est un beau et gros travail
du très très bon travail et il va de soit que c'est déjà dans mes favoris aussi avec des dixaines d'étoile,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +++