
Former user wrote on 3/27/2013, 8:11 PM

I like this a lot.  Where do you get your drum sounds?  From Magix?  I

VisionART wrote on 3/27/2013, 9:14 PM

Der Mut zu den leisen Tönen, at first.

Danach vereinnahmend cool...

zum Schluss findest du zu deinen "Wurzeln" zurück...

Leomax wrote on 3/28/2013, 12:55 AM


very nice arrangement, cooler Track.


Skorpion62 wrote on 3/28/2013, 3:26 AM

schöne ruhige Ballade

gut gemacht

skorpiON 62

Former user wrote on 3/28/2013, 6:04 AM

Hallo Djroar,

very interesting sound,this song in really well done.

I like it.


Father_of_Joy wrote on 3/28/2013, 11:30 AM

an interesting crossover 

... trying new stuff is always commendable!

Former user wrote on 3/28/2013, 1:28 PM

....interessanter Style....Jazz !?! Egal,gefällt mir hier alles und hab nichts auszusetzen .....! 

LG stefan

Former user wrote on 3/28/2013, 2:00 PM

Ich finde die Abschnitte, die ihren eigenen Flair bilden, wirklich gut. Und somit bleibt nichts gleich, da es hier und da schön variiert -, !!


Maboe wrote on 3/28/2013, 2:56 PM

A very pleasant and calm music, it fits very well to your great photos.

I've enjoyed this very much, very well done!


Former user wrote on 3/28/2013, 3:42 PM

I would say the song is well constructed, magix loops are mixed with care and the result is in my opinion excellent


Picnicboy wrote on 3/28/2013, 5:40 PM


Nice how this Parts fit together!

Liked to listen very much!


Former user wrote on 3/29/2013, 3:15 AM

Very relaxing !  Great work !       == 5*

Huck wrote on 3/29/2013, 8:43 AM


Gefällt mir!!!

Finde ich gut gemacht!!

Gerne gehört!!

Gruß Huck!

P.s. Ist das Jazz??

Former user wrote on 3/29/2013, 9:44 AM


nice song. I like to listen to.


Farstom wrote on 3/29/2013, 10:43 AM

well done

nice music

i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 3/29/2013, 10:43 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 3/29/2013, 12:20 PM

Ein richtig guter crossover song der mich mit dem bass und den drums sehr überzeugt.

Klasse Idee und wunderbar umgesetzt.


danne wrote on 3/29/2013, 4:17 PM

Die Insrtumentierung und der Sound haben mir sehr gut gefällen.

Besten Gruß, Daniel

Former user wrote on 3/30/2013, 1:16 PM

A pleasant and relaxing music ..mix and selected soundpool are excellent ... i like ita great embrace
Antonio Fiorillo

Former user wrote on 4/1/2013, 3:15 PM

greats work, relaxing music, beautiful sound

very well


Former user wrote on 4/5/2013, 1:24 AM

Ich finde den Song sehr gut durchdacht auch wenn ich ihn an manche Stellen etwas leer finde. Ist aber nur geschmacksache. Insgesamt habe ich hier nichts einzuwenden.

besten Gruß, Klaus

GBTraveller wrote on 4/6/2013, 6:03 AM


ich bin durch's Cover (Squier Jazz-Bass) aufmerksam geworden . Spiele ich den doch selber ! Ist das ein purer Sample-Track ? Wenn ja, sehr gut gemacht..............tolle Stimmung !

Absolut angenehme Musik !

Gruss Freddy