Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 3/23/2025, 7:05 PM
Tags: Other, Rock

Hi Folks, How are you? Here's a song I think you may enjoy. All I can say is it's something new. ENJOY! Clay Brian Wilson

Lyric & Music/Clay Wilson

Verse: SOMEDAY I know that we will find
Such joy in life and peace of mind.
I know that we’ll begin to know it
I know that we’ll begin to show it.

Verse: Then we can search and find a place
Vanish from the earth without a trace.
And journey to the stars in our spaceship
And find ourselves on an endless trip.

(Instrumental Interlude)

Verse: Somewhere along a golden road
There is a city in Emerald.
It’s colored in such a bright array
It’s colored of a beautiful day.

Verse: SOMEDAY I know that we will find
Such joy in life and peace of mind.
I know that we’ll begin to know it
I know that we’ll begin to show it.

(Instrumental Interlude)

© 1980, 2025 Clay Brian Wilson
All Rights Reserved


Paulo.Costa wrote on 3/23/2025, 8:52 PM

Talk Brian Very Nice cancione congratulations My Friend All the Best Allways

HellRaiser wrote on 3/24/2025, 7:25 AM

Hello, I'm back 😀 Your latest piece of music is wonderfully melodic 👍 The subtle accompaniment - acoustic guitar, bass and percussion - is completely sufficient here. The main focus here is the vocals - simply beautiful 🎤 And at the end, there is some fast-paced guitar playing 🎸 I like it very much overall ❤️

Alter-Falter wrote on 3/24/2025, 10:23 AM

... !!!

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 3/24/2025, 12:34 PM

Thank you all very much for listening and your nice comments! Clay

StoneFace wrote on 3/25/2025, 12:15 PM

the two-part vocals are great and fit the song very well. Only the abrupt change at 3:07 sounds like it's from a different song and yet it's a great piece of work, great

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 3/25/2025, 12:50 PM

Thank you, StoneFace, for a great review! You are right it is an abrupt change, but I think the fast playing of the acoustic guitar adds excitement to the song. Astute review! Cheers, Clay :-)

Semelles-de-Vent wrote on 3/25/2025, 4:39 PM

superbe song, grande voix!!!

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 3/26/2025, 7:53 AM

Thank you, Semelles for listening and your kind review! wrote on 3/26/2025, 7:29 PM


Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 3/26/2025, 7:40 PM

Thank you so much, Mischa!