
Nickillus wrote on 3/31/2015, 6:05 AM

Playing  around with just three instruments again, to counterbalance that another thing I'm working on at the moment has about twenty so far.  Piano, sax and double bass, each given two tracks for width, and in the case of the sax and bass, using different variants on those tracks to try and add interest.  Kind of jazzy but in a laid back way - I hope.  Vst instruments with all parts laid out in the matrix editor as always.  Thanks for listening, if you do.


Former user wrote on 3/31/2015, 4:07 PM

Very nice: Catchy anyhow and - in a weird and minimalistic way - rather charming. Really well done, Nick. 

Former user wrote on 4/1/2015, 6:06 AM

great, i like this track.

Spartano wrote on 4/1/2015, 6:46 AM

Sehr Gerne angehört,

saubere Musikarbeit,

Lg, von Spartano!

Last changed by Spartano on 4/1/2015, 6:46 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Former user wrote on 4/1/2015, 6:57 AM

the basis of the low spatial call, because simple but striking.
track where there are clear fusion with jazz music.
but as I have said before that I like your songs and you are never dull, never the same.
In short your search compositional ranges between the meanders of the various styles of music, but now you do it with great ease and quality


Leomax wrote on 4/1/2015, 2:59 PM

i like it

jjnicholls55 wrote on 4/2/2015, 1:31 AM

cool track Nickillus. love the piano sections.


cheers mate


Jinty wrote on 4/3/2015, 4:29 AM

Hello Nikillus,

Nice track, well done!!!!!!

Have a good one!


Former user wrote on 4/7/2015, 1:40 PM

Hi! Nickillus. Der geschmeidige Bass war eine kleine Säge, die nichtmal nervte. Hatte ein anderes Ding an sich. Gut gemacht.

LG / aces-e37

fpescobedo wrote on 3/21/2017, 9:44 PM

so I closed my eyes and it took me to a small, dim lit smoke filled bar and on the little stage in the corner were three guys, one on double bass, one on piano and one on sax....everybody loved them....great job!