SILENCE (By PatientX & Clay Brian Wilson)

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 11/13/2020, 6:08 PM
Tags: Folk music, Other, Soul, Rock, Easy listening

A collaboration by PatientX & Clay Brian Wilson. Steve is a superb composer, producer, arranger, and musician! All music by Steve of PatientX & only vocals by Clay Wilson, Folks. Thanks in advance if you listen and review, Folks. ENJOY.~~~Clay Brian Wilson


Eine Zusammenarbeit von PatientX & Clay Brian Wilson. Steve ist ein großartiger Komponist, Produzent, Arrangeur und Musiker! Alle Musik von Steve von PatientX & nur Gesang von Clay Wilson, Folks. Vielen Dank im Voraus, wenn Sie zuhören und überprüfen, Leute. GENIESSEN. ~~~ Clay Brian Wilson



Lyric & Music/PatientX & Clay Wilson


Intro.: Acoustic Guitar


Verse: SILENCE is soundless

Listen to SILENCE

It’s peaceful and serene,

But SILENCE rocked me to sleep

In its silent way

It opened my eyes to a new day.


Verse: I’ve spent mindless days

But SILENCE showed me the way

In its silent way

It opened my mind to a new day.


(Instrumental Interlude)


Bridge: Soundless to SILENCE


(Instrumental Interlude)




(Instrumental Interlude)


Verse: Listen to SILENCE

It’s peaceful and serene.


(Instrumental Interlude)


Verse: I’ve spent restless nights

But SILENCE rocked me to sleep

In its silent way

It opened my eyes to a new day

It opened my eyes to a new day...


© 2020 Clay Wilson & PatientX

All Rights Reserved




Lyric & Musik / PatientX & Clay Wilson


Intro.: Akustische Gitarre


Vers: STILLE ist lautlos

Hören Sie STILLE

Es ist friedlich und ruhig,

Aber die STILLE wiegte mich in den Schlaf

In seiner stillen Art

Es öffnete mir die

Augen für einen neuen Tag.


Vers: Ich habe sinnlose Tage verbracht

Aber die STILLE zeigte mir den Weg

In seiner stillen Art

Es öffnete meinen Geist für einen neuen Tag.


(Instrumentales Zwischenspiel)


Brücke: Lautlos zu STILLE


(Instrumentales Zwischenspiel)


Brücke: STILLE


(Instrumentales Zwischenspiel)


Vers: Höre auf STILLE

Es ist friedlich und ruhig.


(Instrumentales Zwischenspiel)


Vers: Ich habe unruhige Nächte verbracht

Aber die STILLE wiegte mich in den Schlaf

In seiner stillen Art

Es öffnete mir die

Augen für einen neuen Tag

Es öffnete mir die Augen für einen neuen Tag...


© 2020 Clay Wilson & PatientX

Alle Rechte vorbehalten



Funeral_Breakfast wrote on 11/13/2020, 6:21 PM

Clay! Mah man! How good it is to hear a new one from you! Your music is a familiar and much welcomed treat to my ears in these times. Love the guitar, your vocals and that cool drumline, but mostly we are happy to hear you again 😁 We've got a new one if you care to check it. Don't be a stranger now 💀💀💀👻👻👻

I felt I had to edit this comment and give DJPatientX his props as well. One of the things that stood out to me musically was the acoustic intro. I just love the way a single acoustic guitar can influence the entire songs feel. You two are absolutely fantastic together :D

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 11/13/2020, 6:29 PM

Thank you very much Ian Hayes for your very kind review, Brother. It's a great pleasure to hear from you and soon I shall listen to your new song. Again your vocal on I Am Not Who They Think I Am is superb! You literally became the IT character in my song. God bless, Clay8-) P.S. Ian, this song is a collaboration with DJPatientX as well. All the music is by Steve. Clay Wilson did the vocals, melody and words. UPDATE! Many thanks Ian for stopping back by and giving Steve some fine props; he deserves it, and the steel guitar and very high vocals and cool sounding bassline I might add are beautiful as well that Steve added! Steve should get most of the credit here about this amazing collaboration he created! My vocals just laid something of a foundation for Steve, and he enhanced them beautifully here in a brilliant way! Thank you very much, Ian for your added words, Brother. God bless you and Arianna and your fine songs and performances! Your Friend and Fan Always, Clay8-)

F.R.H. wrote on 11/14/2020, 2:00 AM

This is a realy good collobaration by clevere musican... thanks for the track

franco-galateo wrote on 11/14/2020, 4:41 AM

track of the good quality.. sound delicate and of the good quality... coval performance beautiful.. great collaboration


Picnicboy wrote on 11/14/2020, 6:53 AM

Moinsen, or Hi !

Beautiful Song, really very well done.

Nice nice.

LG, Pic😎

Siggi-M wrote on 11/14/2020, 7:10 AM

You guys did it really well.You get a big applause for that 👌👏👏👏👏👏


Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 11/14/2020, 8:03 AM

I want to thank you all very, very much and I know Steve of DJPatientX is as delighted as I am over all your kind words, Folks! Hearing folks enjoying our collaboration is a good feeling. God bless you all and your music! Kind Regards, Clay Brian Wilson

Ingo-Flieger wrote on 11/14/2020, 8:58 AM

Sounds very well

and a good colaboration - very harmonic together👌👌👌

Greetings, Ingo

Jochen-S wrote on 11/14/2020, 9:13 AM

Hi Clay,
what a wonderful song, great voice and great collaboration👍👌👍... BRAVO...💯
Greetings Jochen...

Former user wrote on 11/14/2020, 9:25 AM

Hi Clay,

The result of the collaboration is excellent and wonderful.  That's right. Kind of reminds me of Pink Floyd.  Glad to hear.  LG, Gerd

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 11/14/2020, 9:33 AM

Thank you very much Ingo, Jochen & SilverFuchs for your interesting and kinds words, but my hat is mainly off to my brilliant collaborator and his music for this DJPatientX Steve! God bless you all and your music! Cheers, Clay8-)

PATIENT-X wrote on 11/14/2020, 10:18 AM

Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments, I have known clay for many years from Acidplanet com, I had many number one songs in the charts for years and then Clay came along eventually and took the crown due to his amazing songs and collaborations. It's the first time we have got together to work on an old song of his which I sort of reinvented to a modern day laid back accoustic piece and we both agreed we liked this version as there were others but not as good as this one which my music sort of connected with Clays vocals and lyrics. I have had a great time creating this piece and I am glad you all enjoyed our first collaboration. Cheers. thank you Clay my music friend 👍

Vielen Dank an alle für Ihre wundervollen Kommentare. Ich kenne Clay seit vielen Jahren von Acidplanet com, ich hatte jahrelang viele Nummer-1-Songs in den Charts und dann kam Clay schließlich und nahm die Krone aufgrund seiner erstaunlichen Songs und Kollaborationen. Es ist das erste Mal, dass wir uns zusammengetan haben, um an einem alten Song von ihm zu arbeiten, den ich zu einem modernen, entspannten Akustikstück neu erfunden habe, und wir waren uns beide einig, dass uns diese Version gefallen hat, da es andere gab, aber nicht so gut wie diese, die meine Musik, die irgendwie mit Clays Gesang und Texten verbunden ist. Ich hatte eine großartige Zeit, dieses Stück zu schaffen, und ich bin froh, dass Sie alle unsere erste Zusammenarbeit genossen haben. Prost.😁👍🍺🍺🍺🍷❤️🙏





@Former user







Last changed by PATIENT-X on 11/14/2020, 11:19 AM, changed a total of 4 times.

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PATIENT-X wrote on 11/14/2020, 10:28 AM

Sounds very well

and a good colaboration - very harmonic together👌👌👌

Greetings, Ingo

Thank you, cheers for the lovely comments in our collaboration, 👍😁🍺🍺🍺

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 11/14/2020, 11:07 AM

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 11/14/2020, 5:35 PM

Dear Steve & Sandro, Many thanks for such kind words, Brothers! And Steve I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful collaboration which folks the music of Steve here brought this old vocal of mine to life again in a profound way with real feeling and authenticity, Brother! It's amazing what you did with my vocal and shaped it into a positive and memorable song that I shall love for the rest of my days, my good friend! I love that steel guitar of yours, man! And your bass and high vocal along with the wonderful rhythm of your acoustic guitar and chords perfectly supports my vocal. God bless and long live your talent, Brother Steve! Your Friend and Fan Always, Clay8-)

hildegard-beister wrote on 11/15/2020, 1:39 PM

As always you have created a very beautiful track............👍👍👍👍👍

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 11/15/2020, 7:42 PM

Hildegard-beister, Thank you from both Steve of DJPatientX and I for your very kind words, Sister! Steve really put his heart and soul into the music of SILENCE, so I feel really blessed by this collaboration. Steve's steel guitar, bass, falsetto vocals and acoustic guitar really gave my vocals a lot of feeling and weight. God bless you and your music, Hildegard! Clay Brian Wilson8-)

musicMD wrote on 11/15/2020, 10:00 PM

WoW !!! very nice gentlemen. Yeah very Floyd sounding but yet it has it's very own style. A real treat to hear your vocals Clay and Steve did a wonderful job with the music. A true treat to hear the guitar intro and the slide guitar in this dream like musical back drop.....!!!.....

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 11/16/2020, 5:31 AM

Dear Mike, Thank you very much for your awesome review, Brother! You know Steve should get most of the credit; his music literally gave life to my vocals, my good friend! You're very kind and all the very best to you and looking forward to hearing new music from you, Brother. God bless you and yours, Mike! Your Friend and Fan Always, Clay8-)

MitchSoul wrote on 12/17/2020, 8:09 AM

Hey Clay,

Excellent collaboration you have going on here. Perfect production on this beautiful piece.


Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 12/17/2020, 8:15 AM

Thank you very much, Mitch. Indeed Steve brought an old vocal of mine literally to life thanks to him! God bless you, and stay safe and healthy, man! Cheers, Clay8-)

Eleyan wrote on 12/15/2022, 11:44 PM

I am glad for the collaboration - a tasty music morsel indeed.

Clay-Brian-Wilson wrote on 12/16/2022, 7:41 PM

Eleyan, Thank you very much for your kind words about this collaboration with PatientX! God bless you and Merry Christmas! Clay Brian Wilson