...mach drum&bass drunter oder ein langsamen drum...
Former user
wrote on 4/10/2013, 4:32 PM
Not half bad, Nickillus! Way better than some I have heard! And you're having fun with your music. As a former music teacher, I think that is the important thing anyway. I wish I could have have some software like this when I was teaching. The kids would have been fighting over it, that's for sure.
Many thanks for the feedback and advice chaps. All grist to my mill.
Trish - Oh you are kind, and thanks for thawt. Bet you were a great and encouraging teacher.
Couldn't agree with you more about the advantage of having this sort of software about as a learning tool. There is some drawing and painting software I use now that fall into that category too - and the best bit is that very capable titles have become affordable for all but the most meagre budgets these days.
Now if I could just find one that imbued musical knowledge and talent instantaneously . . . . . . but then everybody would likely be the same if they used it and we wouldn't get half the variety - so scrap that.
Former user
wrote on 4/11/2013, 12:32 PM
Ich glaube, du versuchst die Bilder dazu anders in Szene zu bringen: Welches beim Hören schon über einiges einleuchtend ist, für was es wirklich sorgt... . -, !!
Die Synthiz hören sich wie von Beat Street an .!!! 1980 Musik ein versuch mal durch diesen Jahrgang zu gehen my friend , wenn man diesen Sound jetzt noch kombiniert mit Heutiger Musik , kannst du wieder was neues draus entstehen lassen , also garnicht mal so schlecht my friend , 5 Sterne für deine Midi Schleife