Rock-A-Bye Blues

Former user wrote on 5/11/2013, 11:30 PM

Hi Folks:

I decided to experiment with a little "Rock" and "Blues" piece (normally not my forte); using some heavy-guitar flavorings, along with a distinctly bluesy-sounding saxophone riff along with Rock and Blues baselines.  The tune is in the key of A, at 110 BPM.

Hopefully, I did not go over the musical cliff with this one...

In any event, thanks for listening.



Former user wrote on 5/12/2013, 4:13 AM

wieder einmal sehr eindrucksvolle Musik....auch klasse die Drumwechsel und wirkt erfrischend...kehrst auch gleich wieder zurück ins Hauptgeschehen.....der Bass klingt zwar etwas "plastisch" aber okay,Kritik auf hohem Niveau und gefällt mir sehr Dein Musikwerk,prima durchdacht und sonst klasse im Sound !

LG stefan

Former user wrote on 5/12/2013, 10:10 AM

Hallo Stefan:

Vielen Dank für die wunderbaren Mann Komplimente. Man weiß nie, wie diese Melodien empfangen wird, sobald Sie sie veröffentlichen werden. Vor allem, wenn verstärkt außerhalb der eigenen Komfortzone.

Achten Sie darauf.


UnityGirl wrote on 5/26/2013, 3:36 PM

Rock-A-Bye??  Hmmm!  Now THIS is the ONLY lullabye that would put MY kids to sleep!

Nickillus wrote on 6/5/2013, 12:16 PM

Works well for me - ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz (with only nice dreams too).

Former user wrote on 9/2/2013, 4:22 PM

Great , five star

hounddoggy56 wrote on 10/29/2013, 8:43 PM

No, You didnt go over the musical Cliff

(maybe skidded a bit close to the edge a few times.)

great composition

throughly enjoyable