
Picnicboy wrote on 11/24/2013, 6:12 PM


Schönes Stück!

Gefällt mir!


hanneshaas wrote on 11/25/2013, 3:18 AM


Last changed by hanneshaas on 11/25/2013, 3:18 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Wie Ich noch ein Baby war hab ich weder Schreiben noch Lessen können. Jetzt werden viele sagen OOOOOOH der arme, Keine sorge bin jetzt schon 45, und kann schon das C, D, E und F. Also ihr seht ich habe fortschritte gemacht. Jetzt versuch ich halt mit den bar Buchstaben etwas zu schreiben, das geht auch nicht also mach ich lieber Musik.

Former user wrote on 11/25/2013, 11:24 AM

a song with some really interesting parts, overall it is a good song.
positive advice in this work of yours


ArtistW wrote on 11/25/2013, 8:37 PM

Track is nice. I have the feeling the instruments could be more synchron. 

You are giving congratulations. Thank you, I assume you made this track with MM  and appreciate that you have a kind of audience here, so make this community work by also visiting other sites.

NancyHollo wrote on 11/26/2013, 12:25 AM

I like it - it's very easy on the ear and kind of loose and unwound, like a pick-up number Maw and Paw and the kids might play after the chores are done?

tingel wrote on 11/26/2013, 2:29 PM

nice to hear... it must´ve been very cold this day you´ve made the song... nice done... soft and warm - like endsummer spring... nice picture for this.. greetings Andi

Former user wrote on 11/29/2013, 7:00 PM

I like it :  beautiful music !!       = 5*

Besty regards Andreus